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23 contributions to
Knowledge Base - JSON?
This was working for V1, but no longer works for V2. I use to store my knowledge base via google sheets which I download as a CSV. Then send that CSV to JSON. I then take that JSON and upload as file and it worked perfectly. Now it keeps erroring out and never uploads. What are my options? Thanks
New comment 6d ago
✅⚠️🤖 Here's your public to-do / update to end the week 🤖⚠️✅
Very long post, but if you have a question - the answer is in here. So, lend me literally 5 minutes and 10 seconds (accurate reading time via 2 model avg analysis), a quick read will be super cool. Okay - I got some sleep last night. Good start to getting back on schedule, bad because I wanted to get a lot done last night. Spilled milk I suppose. I am going to cancel today's 12 pm call - I have to sign some contracts that I think will far more benefit you than hearing my voice for 3 hrs... This will resume next week with no more cancels or resschedules. Updates: - The morning Caffeinate & Innovate tech calls start next week at 8:30 am Eastern on week days. This will be complimented by resuming regular schedule on Wednesday office hours, and Friday Masterclasses. Those will be differentiated more formally as Wednesdays being an open call for q&a / tech support and Fridays being more build and use case oriented with IDs and snapshots shared afterwards. - Teams aboard - product manager starting today overseeing ops / dev schedule / and processes internally for more efficiency and organization, support & onboarding team learning materials as we speak for a waitlist open next week, and two more that ill update as they come to official fruition. - Enterprise Chokeholds - So, we are putting every vendor that is left in our stack and one that ive had my eye on in enterprise dedicated direct deals for more close / in house processes for less latency. We are also getting enterprise dedicated server space to eliminate system down time - well, forever.. - $0.05 voice min deal - to say thank you to everyones support and really, putting up with my shit, enjoy the cheapest ai voice minutes ever sold end to end cost. period. on me :) Note, for white labeled reasons this only is for direct users - sorry others, DM me and I can make it work since - well, you're here so no worries on that lol. - Official support channels & processes - you will get account manager(s) and more live interaction on support tickets to ensure every concern is taken care of, this will be tracked and optimized by the product manager to ensure ticket times are low and communication is extreme.
New comment 4d ago
1 like • 10d
@Johnny Lavene +1 for this. Vital for my business
Coming along
Okay, adding stuff in throughout the rest of the day so dont mind my little update header, ill add a notification in the header for clients Tons of cool stuff coming, on a good note - raises $80k at a $5m valuation being invested in the processor + im personally throwing in $30k on my own rainy day money. All being dumped into infrastructure - nova v2 to the moon with patents as well :) I see the comments, ill have a proper way to convey support tickets back to everyone soon enough as well
New comment 11d ago
0 likes • 11d
@Harry Stokes missed this one - need that native one for sure. GHL is unreliable!
0 likes • 11d
@Kyle Barker 100% - i've gone through chats that just don't go answered and i cringe everytime cause just shows my customer service sucks
Need Chat Widgets... Am I the only one with this problem?
I asked this a few times but I can't get an answer... Do we have chst widgets coming? I use the tool for customer service and I'm stuck. I can't use it cause I can't use GHL chatbot because it fails and just gets stuck. @Jorden Williams any news here on this roll out? You shared screens of this before but it's not in this roll out.
New comment 10d ago
1 like • 11d
@Pete Keiner Good to know! Thank you had asked this question a few times in skool but no one had an answer. Appreciate it!
Issue getting the assistant to engage...
Is anyone else having this issue..? My assistant doesn't engage (most of the time) unless I type a couple of messages in the chat widget. One of my accounts worked one time, but not since. The tags aren't showing up in Assistable as being added, even though the HL workflow adds them to the contact. Anyone have a similar issue with a solution? Thx.
New comment 12d ago
0 likes • 12d
Yes - this was happening to me too I found it that GHL had their Conversation AI on and that interfered with it. I turned it off and it worked more often, but still was having issues from the first message to the next
0 likes • 12d
This is the issue i get. The tag deosnt' get assigned but looking in GHL it is assigned
1-10 of 23
Anthony Nguyen
25points to level up
Previous accountant to ecommerce

Active 9h ago
Joined Jul 7, 2024
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