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13 contributions to The Phonejacker® Academy
Chat Roulette - This Thursday @ 3:30pm
THREE spots going for a cold calling session with myself and others this Thursday. You'll join me on Nooks, you'll be able to hear my calls and we should be able to hear yours. 🤞🏼 Drop a comment below if you're interested and I'll send you a calendar invite...👇🏼 First come, first served. More dials, less chat this week. We'll go for 90 minutes.
New comment Nov '23
Chat Roulette - This Thursday @ 3:30pm
1 like • Oct '23
sign me up
1 like • Nov '23
@Callum Beecroft Thursday isn't it?
Recording Calls
Hey, What tools/apps are people using to record calls? I could still want to use my mobile number to make calls.
New comment Nov '23
2 likes • Oct '23
We do it through Hubspot
Getting times in the calendar
Hello people, Had a good day last Wednesday where I booked 3 meetings on the phone. I say booked, but what really happened was each prospect agreed that they wanted a meeting, but didn't give me a concrete time on the phone. It was a mixture of 'I'll send you my calendly', and 'I'm not in front of my calendar, send me a load of times and I'll choose one' Did manage to book them all in, but it did take a week of sending follow up emails and follow up calls. I don't want to do all the hard work and then be chasing, ultimately becoming an annoying salesperson. Anyone got any tips for pinning people down to specific times? I used to sell a sales engagement platform that had calendar booking built into the platform, so it was as simple as clicking the prospects name and sending loads of times through as I was on the phone. Now it's a bit more manual. Keen to hear how everyone else is handling it. Also, I have never and will never be able to spell the word calendar right the first time. Will not stay in my head.
New comment Nov '23
Request for Pricing
Alreet team - I get this every so often. Often its a response to an email i sent a while ago and its out the blue. Mostly is an ad hoc request as the prospect need to order more packaging/labelling, sometimes its more of an official "tender". This seems very much the way the indsutry does it. Anyways as we know, an request for pricing is a shit request. I'm quite blunt and basically refuse to do it without a proper conversation in the form of a meeting in the diary. Sometimes they accept sometimes they don't. So my question is, is this the way to go about it? Is there a proper nurturing way to go about this? My colleagues are happy to jump through the hoops for prospects with RFPs etc and they do win business sometimes, so sometimes I have that little voice in the back of my head wondering if Im maybe missing out??
New comment Oct '23
1 like • Oct '23
Your industry sounds a bit different, but I think I'd ring them up and acknowledge their request and just say I need to ask a few questions first. Qualify them as you would, give them a range of pricing and ask them if that would be a reason to end the conversation. Go for the no but don't pigeonhole yourself.
Part One: How to handle "call me in the new year."
This is the first of two posts on this topic. This is an 'objection' many of you will be hearing on the phone now and running up until the end of the year. I've already been asked a few questions on this topic. There's a lot to discuss with this. Now, I would handle this objection depends on where it comes up on the call. In this post I'll focus on the early stages. Some information has been shared but no conversation has taken place. Let's be frank, with very little information to work off, it's a fob off. Before I get into it, remember, like all objections it's our job as sales people is to seek to understand the motivation behind why the prospect has raised it and then let the prospect deal with it. It's their objection, not ours. If you're hearing this at the start of your call, there are a couple of scenarios where this plays out. This is how I would handle it... - - - 1️⃣ - You've mentioned that this is a sales call or briefly told the prospect what the call is about and they've come back with... 💬 - "not interested right now, call us back in the new year." How I would respond... 💬 - "Happy to do that, before I do, would it make sense for me to share with you exactly why I called and to see if it even makes sense to call you back in the new year?" Now you can deliver your pitch and you're into your process: find a problem, deny it exists, let the prospect fight for their position. Before I come on to the next scenario I will add one more thing. In any conversation with prospects, we have to deal with what is being said. The prospect has told us they're not interested and to call them in the new year. There may have been some truth behind this but we don't know so at some point this needs to be dealt with. The easiest way to do that is to use this information in our process when trying to push them away. For example, let's say we have identified a problem in the prospects world. What I would say next is something along these lines... 💬 - "So you're having issues with X but from the sounds of things this isn't a big enough issue you need to do something about it before the end of the year?"
New comment Oct '23
Part One: How to handle "call me in the new year."
1 like • Oct '23
Just in the nick of time. Genuinely think about 20 people have said this to me in the last month
1 like • Oct '23
Currently I'm getting it towards the end of calls, which does suggest I'm doing something wrong at the start. I normally ask them what they think will be different in the new year. Sometimes it's that they're currently onboarding tech and they don't want to throw something new at their consultants before that's done. Sometimes it is just tire-kicking
1-10 of 13
Adam Wise
38points to level up
Selling sales technology to salespeople. Salesception

Active 7d ago
Joined Jan 31, 2024
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