Christmas. Less than one week away now, can you Adam and Eve it. 🎄 Hopefully you will all have the opportunity to take next week off and have some time to properly switch off from work knowing that all your prospects will be as well. It's a good time to switch off but also a good time for reflection. New year, new you. Unfortunately most salespeople don't do this. I never used to. I would never take stock of the last year: what went well, what didn't, what could I have done a result, nothing changes. No lessons learnt, just rinse and repeat. Nothing changes. Whether you had the best year of your sales career, the worst year or a simply a bang average one, I would still recommend putting your thoughts down on paper. Doesn't need to be that complicated: 1️⃣ - What went well? 2️⃣ - What didn't go so well? 3️⃣ - What are you going to do differently next year? You will have loads of experiences, thoughts about those experiences and lessons learnt that are bouncing around your subconscious mind right now. Unless you take time to draw them out, they will stay there. What a waste. Putting these thoughts down on paper draws these out into the conscious mind. It will also give you some closure on 2023 and then you can start looking forward to next year. What action are you going to take? What do you want to achieve next year and what do you need to do to achieve that? Break it down into smaller steps. It doesn't need to be complicated. 3-5 things to work on. It might be more consistency with your prospecting efforts. Reducing no-shows, disqualifying better. It might be that you're looking to get promoted, progress your career. What do you need to do to prove to your current employer that you're worthy of it? What do you need to do to prove to yourself that you can do the job you're after. One of the things I want to improve on is playing the rookie, playing dumb more in all types of conversations. Cold calls, meetings other conversations. What do I need to do to do that? - Be more conscious of it, first and foremost. Practice more. Continue to reflect on calls and conversations and analyse where I could have done better. Then it's a case of tracking progress and monitoring it.