Request for Pricing
Alreet team - I get this every so often. Often its a response to an email i sent a while ago and its out the blue. Mostly is an ad hoc request as the prospect need to order more packaging/labelling, sometimes its more of an official "tender". This seems very much the way the indsutry does it.
Anyways as we know, an request for pricing is a shit request. I'm quite blunt and basically refuse to do it without a proper conversation in the form of a meeting in the diary. Sometimes they accept sometimes they don't.
So my question is, is this the way to go about it? Is there a proper nurturing way to go about this?
My colleagues are happy to jump through the hoops for prospects with RFPs etc and they do win business sometimes, so sometimes I have that little voice in the back of my head wondering if Im maybe missing out??
Michael Cronan
Request for Pricing
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