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8 contributions to Apperception Alliance
I am a first-year student studying abroad. At first, I had big goals. I felt like this new life will change me forever but now when I have only exams left to finish and looking back at what I learned in university I feel like I didn't do enough and didn't really learn things that will be useful in the future. I have been having this lost feeling and the fear of not knowing what to do for a while now. If I have questions or want to know some tips I watch videos or ask others for advice. But I know that the real issue is in me. I have tried to understand what I want from this life and what I should do to achieve my goals but it's like I am getting distracted by other things and I am just letting life pass now. I want to change my life. I try new things and try to stay consistent with it but I still give up. And I am just falling back to my old habits. I have not been really doing things in university and I regret it a lot. My grades are low and I can't seem to find my purpose in life. Even though I regret not studying I still don't do it. And I know that what I am writing might seem very depressing or lost but that's how I am living. Day to day I have those same thoughts everyday and I don't take any action. Maybe mindlessly scrolling by watching tiktok videos and instagram reels has done this to me. So, if there are people that have faced this problem in the past or now feeling like this can give some advice or at least write a comment it would really help me and I will know that I am not alone. At this point, I am ready to do anything to change my life.
New comment 17d ago
1 like • 18d
I understand how it feels, like you still have to find your purpose right? It's important that you want to change and you're not in denial. So many people tell themselves lies, but it sounds like you're accepting reality. Try making some changes, don't let yourself get lazy with grades. Maybe this means developing a routine and waking up early, that helped me a lot. It sounds simple, and it is. I'm not saying it will fix everything. Get someone to keep you accountable, for me, it was hiring a business coach. I wouldn't be here without a mentor. And get good at something you can be proud of, for me it's the gym. Give it time
Have you ever cold approached someone?
Cold approaching involves starting a conversation with a stranger without any prior interaction, often in social or professional settings. This practice can significantly boost self-confidence as it helps individuals overcome the fear of rejection and awkwardness. If you approach someone at the gym for example, don’t expect them to trust you immediately. Start with a nice conversation starter, for example: Are you currently using this machine? Should I help you spot?…. Engaging with new people improves conversational skills, making one better at reading social cues and maintaining dialogues. It also expands one's network, potentially opening doors to new opportunities. For those with social anxiety, regularly practicing cold approaches can reduce anxiety by desensitizing them to social interactions. Moreover, talking to strangers exposes individuals to diverse perspectives and experiences, broadening their understanding of the world. Despite initial discomfort, cold approaching offers valuable benefits that enhance personal growth and social development. I wish y’all the best. And remember: Self improvement is not just about you and your body, it’s also about the connections and friendships that you could possibly make. So go out there, and make some good connections!
New comment 28d ago
1 like • 28d
Yeah I’m a big believer in cold approaches, underrated skill
For the really new Youtubers
Guys I've learned so much about Youtube (been grinding for hours everyday). I also have been editing videos since I was about 11. (started with Lego stop motion animation) This is a guide for new Youtubers with a limited budget. Stage 1: Getting ready You need to prepare a few things for your channel: Tangible- software/hardware, equipment, filming spaces, community support, someone to review your videos. Not Tangible- Ideas for first videos, niche, camera confidence, dedicated time to edit/film First I'll go over the tangible things: You can film with your phone, but DON'T film with the camera app. Download Filmic or any pro camera app and watch a tutorial, it's WAY better and produces higher quality footage. -VERY IMPORTANT- Order a USB storage stick that can plug into your phone and computer, this will make transferring videos much easier and will allow you to film more without taking up phone storage. In the meantime, use the cloud to upload videos (TIME CONSUMING) and make sure to have it set to higher quality. SOFTWARE Editing software, you have so many options. First if you have a mac, you can use imovie or Davinci (free mac version). I use a web based software called, it's payed but pretty good, also has free version. You should probably invest in software down the road, I won't go into detail here. There are mobile editors as well, the one I know is called Splice. Phone stick, to hold your phone, get one that extends into a tripod. (cheap from walmart). SPACES TO FILM Find Filming spaces, some of you may only need your bedroom. But have other options, examples from my experience. I have some nice spots in the woods, I have access to a private gym where I can film without being disturbed. Think of where you can film, get creative. LIGHTING, for phone users, your settings might be at high quality. BUT, if there is low light, the footage will still come out grainy. Invest in lighting or choose bright spaces to film. --------------------
16 members have voted
New comment Jun 4
0 likes • Jun 1
@Dylan Dexters Really weird, it usually says why. Just make sure it's the Android version not the Apple. Not sure about alternatives, but I can look, just send me a DM so we don't crowd the comments.
1 like • Jun 4
@Dylan Dexters There's actually a bunch of apps for android, try Protake or MCPro24FPS. Also I just realized how expensive Filmic is
tricks to help you win 👊
Over the past 4 years I went from 130lbs to 200lbs I can give you the tools that will change your situation right now but you need a blueprint If you want to build a house the first thing you draw is the blueprint... It is the same thing with the gym. Get a diet and routine blueprint to build your physique. 1) Make sure that you calculate how much protein you should be eating (1 to 1.5g per lb of body weight) 2) Train 6 days a week, learn and apply discipline 3) Never miss a day no matter what 4) 70% of it is diet 5) Don't over complicate, train hard, eat right, sleep well. Comment below what you are struggling with... I'll try to answer and help if possible
New comment 9d ago
tricks to help you win 👊
1 like • Jun 2
@Yasin Al Mohanak The process is the same for calisthenics, and diet is just as important. I would also add, gaining more mobility and flexibility is REALLY important for unlocking advanced movements. This is why flexible people can do handstands and L-sits much easier. Also it reduces risk of injury.
Welcome to the alliance!
Welcome to the Apperception Alliance. So excited to have you here. After doing the action steps (below) i highly recommend you check out the Monk Mode Protocol. It's everything you need to get your goals for 2024 accomplished and there's a section for accountability that shows you how to best use this community. To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know: 1. Your name 2. What are your goals for this year and how do you plan to accomplish them? See you in the comments! Community Rules: For this community to be high quality, and maintain its value for all, we have to set some guidelines. Rules: -Don't use Apperception Alliance to self-promote, especially for other communities. Those who self-promote and spam links and other things will be banned. Self-promotion for content is allowed in moderation in the Content Creation section of the chat but nowhere else. -Proofread your posts. Nobody likes reading or responding to posts that were clearly made with low effort. -No harassment. I intend for this community to be a safe place for both men and women on self-improvement. That being said, harassment of any kind will not be tolerated even slightly. Suppose it is brought to my attention that you are making someone uncomfortable either in the chat or privately. In that case, I will personally ban you from the community and report you to the authorities at Skool. -Don't make feedback posts about the community. If you want to make suggestions, use this google form.
Complete action
New comment 20h ago
2 likes • Jun 1
@Alyssa Winslow those are some good goals, kinda similar to mine
1 like • Jun 1
@Kayani Occe Good goals, and yeah that's a good first step. Also, I don't know your details but giving out free value is a great way to start mentoring/coaching
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Steven P
2points to level up
New Youtuber and business owner with a passion for fitness and all things self improvement. Hosting monthly fitness challenges in my discord.

Active 7h ago
Joined Apr 2, 2024
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