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Adonis Gang

Private • 130.8k • $1/m

Apperception Alliance

Public • 1.2k • Free

Movementgems Elite

Private • 13.2k • $14/m

Building in public by Daniel

Private • 6.6k • Free

Minimalist Training Free

Private • 2.9k • Free

Leon Edwards Crew

Private • 2.5k • Free

7 contributions to Apperception Alliance
Why you need to know where you wanna be in the future.
Knowing where you want to be in the future is essential for several reasons, primarily because it gives your life direction and a sense of purpose. Having a clear vision of your future can transform your daily activities from mere routines into meaningful steps toward achieving your dreams. For example, think about planning a road trip. If you don’t know your destination, you might end up driving in circles, wasting time, energy, and resources. Similarly, in life, without a clear goal, it’s easy to become unfocused, drifting without making significant progress. When you set goals, it becomes easier to create a plan. Consider someone who dreams of becoming a doctor. This person needs to focus on their studies, take relevant science courses, and gain experience through internships or volunteer work in healthcare settings. Each step is aligned with their ultimate goal, making their efforts purposeful and structured. Without this clear objective, it would be challenging to stay motivated and committed through the demanding educational and training process. Another example can be seen in financial planning. If you aim to buy a house in five years, you would start saving money, managing your expenses, scaling your business and possibly investing to grow your savings. Moreover, having a future vision helps you measure your progress and make necessary adjustments. Suppose your goal is to become a skilled musician. You might set milestones like mastering certain techniques, performing at local venues, or releasing your own music. Regularly assessing your progress towards these milestones ensures that you stay on track and make any needed changes to your practice routine or learning methods. In essence, knowing where you want to be in the future provides clarity and direction. It helps you prioritize your activities, stay motivated, and remain focused on your objectives. By envisioning your future, you turn abstract dreams into achievable realities, guiding your daily actions with a sense of purpose and intent.
Have you ever cold approached someone?
Cold approaching involves starting a conversation with a stranger without any prior interaction, often in social or professional settings. This practice can significantly boost self-confidence as it helps individuals overcome the fear of rejection and awkwardness. If you approach someone at the gym for example, don’t expect them to trust you immediately. Start with a nice conversation starter, for example: Are you currently using this machine? Should I help you spot?…. Engaging with new people improves conversational skills, making one better at reading social cues and maintaining dialogues. It also expands one's network, potentially opening doors to new opportunities. For those with social anxiety, regularly practicing cold approaches can reduce anxiety by desensitizing them to social interactions. Moreover, talking to strangers exposes individuals to diverse perspectives and experiences, broadening their understanding of the world. Despite initial discomfort, cold approaching offers valuable benefits that enhance personal growth and social development. I wish y’all the best. And remember: Self improvement is not just about you and your body, it’s also about the connections and friendships that you could possibly make. So go out there, and make some good connections!
New comment 28d ago
Welcome to the alliance!
Welcome to the Apperception Alliance. So excited to have you here. After doing the action steps (below) i highly recommend you check out the Monk Mode Protocol. It's everything you need to get your goals for 2024 accomplished and there's a section for accountability that shows you how to best use this community. To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know: 1. Your name 2. What are your goals for this year and how do you plan to accomplish them? See you in the comments! Community Rules: For this community to be high quality, and maintain its value for all, we have to set some guidelines. Rules: -Don't use Apperception Alliance to self-promote, especially for other communities. Those who self-promote and spam links and other things will be banned. Self-promotion for content is allowed in moderation in the Content Creation section of the chat but nowhere else. -Proofread your posts. Nobody likes reading or responding to posts that were clearly made with low effort. -No harassment. I intend for this community to be a safe place for both men and women on self-improvement. That being said, harassment of any kind will not be tolerated even slightly. Suppose it is brought to my attention that you are making someone uncomfortable either in the chat or privately. In that case, I will personally ban you from the community and report you to the authorities at Skool. -Don't make feedback posts about the community. If you want to make suggestions, use this google form.
Complete action
New comment 19h ago
1 like • Feb 24
@Margarita Pavlenko Austria and Australia isn’t the same country. Austria is next to Germany in Europe.
1 like • May 18
@Sullaiman Fomba my guy, let’s connect.
made my first 10k a month in march 2024
Now you’re wondering how. Well, it took some serious dedication and effort. I trade currencies and gold. Besides that, I have something else that I am working on. Quick money? Quick money loss? I bet that’s what you are thinking of. You think trading is like the casino. Well, actually thats not how it is. Not for me. I am working a ton. I try to suck up as much knowledge as possible. People who know me personally will tell you that I am working extremely hard. Every single day. Not do I only get the respect of other people, they genuinely believe in me. Believe is something real important. If you set clear goals and you actually believe in them, then you will see faster results. I dropped out of highschool. Now, as a 17 year old, I make more money than my teachers and you can achieve the same, if you are willing to put in the work. Choose how YOU wanna live your life.
New comment May 16
made my first 10k a month in march 2024
0 likes • May 15
@Nasheya Louviere message me, let’s connect.
recommendation for a 16 year old?
what's something i can start now that my future self can benefit from?
New comment Apr 21
5 likes • Apr 11
don’t drink alcohol. get comfortable in being true to yourself. don’t hangout with degenerate people who won’t support you. learn about money and how you can escape the rat race, so you have more freedom. look into human psychology. learn about communication skills.
1-7 of 7
Jakob P
19points to level up
17 years old - entrepreneur - gym - reaching for freedom

Active 12h ago
Joined Feb 21, 2024
Linz, Austria
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