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Santa Teresa Level 1 Courses is happening in 7 hours
📆 Check out our 2024 Schedule Below!
We're excited to announce upcoming Level 1 Foundation Courses, Advanced Level 2 Courses, and L1 Instructor Mentorships in the following months. ⚠️ HURRY! SPOTS ARE LIMITED! DM us via Skool, Instagram or Whatsapp for more information or to sign up! ⬇️ Here's what you'll find below: 1. Skool Calendar link 2. 2024 Agenda (See flyer below) 3. PDF containing comprehensive information about our courses Don't delay your surfing progress. While we believe that "the best surfer is the one who has the most fun," imagine... - Feeling stronger and safer in the ocean - Achieving a state of absolute calmness and flow during surfing sessions - Surfing for 6 hours straight without feeling breathless or tired - Feeling like you have x2 Lung capacity and you can hold your breath forever Make 2024 the year you become the best version of yourself. The most epic surfing sessions lie ahead, and it's up to you to make the most out of them. 🏄‍♂️🌊
📆 Check out our 2024 Schedule Below!
➡️ START HERE: Welcome to Underwave Training!
First of all...welcome to Underwave! We are here to help you achieve your biggest potential in the ocean, connect with like-minded people, and build a strong surfing community. Before we share with you the step-by-step to start your journey, we want to talk about Underwave´s principles, which will accompany you throughout this experience: 1.CONSISTENCY IS KING 👑 If you want to see a transformation in your surfing, your physical capacities, and your life, you need to understand that being consistent and showing up is the MOST IMPORTANT SKILL to have. Major transformations only happen when we consistently follow through with our goals. 2. DON´T BE A LONE WOLF 🐺 The biggest rule regarding Breath Hold Training is to NEVER DO IT ALONE IN THE WATER. Under no circumstance should we practice breath-holding in the water if we have no training buddy or supervision. One of our biggest missions is to spread our deep love for breath holding and all the benefits that WE KNOW it provides, but it is as important to do it responsibly. If you do not have anyone to train with, you can always train outside of the water! 3. 70% MENTAL 30% PHYSICAL 🧠 Do you want to hold your breath for longer? Do you want to charge bigger waves? Do you want to feel calm and in control even when the ocean is throwing everything at you? Then you need to understand that, as physical as surfing and breath-holding are, it is also EXTREMELY MENTAL. And that is why we hold our breath: because breath-holding is one of the most effective and powerful ways we have to train our minds. We could say training Apnea is like going to the MIND GYM, so get ready to strengthen the most important muscle of your body. ------------------------------------------- ⬇️ To start your transformative surfing experience, follow the steps below: 1. Drop a post and introduce yourself. Where are you from? What brought you here? What are your surfing goals for this year? 2. Like, comment and support at least 3 other people in this community. We’re doing this together, do not be a lone wolf! 3. Watch our INTRODUCTION VIDEO BELOW!
New comment Mar 7
Share your BREAKTHROUGHS, share the STOKE!
In this section, we like to share the results of our community. Surfing, as we all know, is an extremely challenging, complex sport. It involves swimming, breath holding, Breathing in all forms, stability, mobility, amazing coordination, ocean reading, and connection with the ocean. So even making the smallest progress in your surfing journey, IS SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE ABOUT! Regardless of your surfing level, share the stoke with the community! ⬇️ I´ll go first! As many of you might know, I did not grow up being a surfer. I grew up in the city, far away from the ocean, but always felt a deep connection with water. Every time I had access to a pool, I would dive to the bottom and stay down there for as long as possible. Absolute silence. Just me and the water. Always found such a profound state of calmness down there. Long story short, I could have never imagined my life making such a big turn and ending up living on the beach, surfing every single day of my life. I moved to Costa Rica in 2016, when I was 22, and started surfing at that age. In 2019, I went for the very first time to Puerto Escondido, one of the heaviest beach breaks in the world. Although I was physically and mentally prepared, I was afraid. Fear is not something to be hidden, you just need to know how to manipulate it, understand it, and use it to your favor. Being respectful of the ocean is not something to be ashamed of. It took me 3 days to get in the water. Just seeing the size of the breaking waves felt unreal. I have never witnessed so much power from a short distance. As I was starting to realize that this "respect" was slowly morphing into "I don´t know if I am ready for this", I realized I had to find a way to get more confidence and just go for it. I went to the nearest shop, bought some fins (the ones that bodyboarders use), went back home to get my GoPro, and went into the lineup. Funny enough, I am not scared of the water itself. It is just the respect I have for such a powerful wave. On top of that: an unknown break, with multiple horror stories, was not very motivating.
Share your BREAKTHROUGHS, share the STOKE!
Jamie Mitchell is coming to CR!
Hello Community! I´ve been off social media and this platform for a bit, but finally back and happy to bring you great news: 🔥 We will have a Big wave surfing Legend JAMIE MITCHELL coming to Costa Rica in a few weeks! 🔥 Jamie Mitchell needs no introduction, but for those who never heard of him, he´s one of the most influential watermen in the history of surfing. We will be sharing a full afternoon with Jamie, including Big wave Surfing Protocols Training, Breath Training, Pool Training, Ice Bath, and of course a Q&A with the legend himself, to learn all the secrets and strategies any surfer needs to know to tackle bigger swells and stay calming when it matters the most. We STILL HAVE 5 spots left for this upcoming experience on May 26th. If you are around, do not think twice... You don´t have the chance to train with a legend every day! Have a great day, Augus P.S. Here´s a clip of Jamie tackling one of the biggest waves ever recorded in the world.
Jamie Mitchell is coming to CR!
Challenges 1-4
New comment Jan 31
Challenges 1-4
1-12 of 12
Underwave Training
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Surf smarter! Explore our community for tailored training in surf-specific breathing, breath holding, and swimming to elevate your surfing experience!
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