This made me think of the "hero's journey" concept that is talked about a lot in marketing and is also the premise of stories and movies. In this context, you are your own hero in your own story. You have to move past the complacency of where you exist and build up your capacity to grow through diligence and perseverance so that you can advance. There is usually a musical montage in movies where they gloss over the boring and hard stuff that takes forever. THIS is where the change really needs to happen.
You know Moran, this is exactly why I struggle with all of this in my own life. And you're 100% right, we need more like this. I struggle with procrastination, feeling overwhelmed, and can't seem to finish, anything. I'd personally like, to see more of this, from you, as this is what is, stopping most of us, especially me.
Every day is an opportunity!! I really appreciate the last 2 minutes....recently got hit with some adversity to remind me about the importance of maintaining that most important relationship. I like how you pointed out the Be - Do - Have. Focusing on who you need to BE will ultimately lead you to Do (with FAITH), so that you will Have as a natural byproduct. Thanks for the wisdom, Moran.
Agree with a lot of it. Think focus and resilience is key. The point about your business journey being a personal journey I think is super true. Also, you are calm. So much ra ra ra in this world which we can live without.
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