Revision Module ready...with July and August plan templates
To all the parents of the OS program, the Revision module is now ready. 🥳 It includes the July and August plan templates along with the previously published templates for April, May and June.
I want you to go through this module and tell me what else you need apart from the content we have put together. A lot of it has been collated from the other modules so revision becomes easier.
These are resources that will help you help your child as you enter the last couple of months before the tests. Let me know in the comments below👇👇👇 and we will consider it and do what we can. 💫 It can be anything so please don't hesitate and I will do my very best to add relevant content 👍
My team have also emailed order details to all those who purchased the 'Plan and Revision' bundle from our website (which includes all of the things in the revision module and some from the planning module) as a reminder that the plan template document has been updated for July and August.😻
Sabah Hadi
Revision Module ready...with July and August plan templates
The 11 Plus Journey OS
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