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Book Club Meeting June is happening in 19 hours
Book for the month of June - Thunder Struck by Ali Sparkes
Dear OS Parents! Hope you are having a relaxing Sunday and I am sure there would be a day out planned ahead! Thanks to the good weather! With @Sabah Hadi's encouragement, I am happy to run the book club meeting for this month. A brief about me - Juggling between multiple roles of being a mom of 3, IT professional, wife and daughter, 11+ teacher to my children and so on.... πŸ˜€ I know most of us are in the same boat travelling together! All the best to everyone in their journey! I have a boy who is going to sit for the 11+ exam this Sep and a girl who is currently in Year 3 and will start her preparations next year, after I take a break from my son's exam prep! πŸ˜€ My children suggested the below book and we are going to work as a team to make it more interesting! In fact, I might be just overlooking while they will be running the show mainly! We selected this book as it sounded quite interesting and might have lots of deep conversations ahead. Book: Thunder Struck Author: Ali Sparkes Sneak Peek into the book: What if your new best friend was a ghost? Getting struck by lightning whilst huddling under a tree isn't exactly the way 2 friends would have chosen to get out of their sports day . . .Surviving the strike makes them see life differently. A fun and fast-paced ghostly mystery with lightning strikes, floating phantoms, and four fantastic friends just trying to get on with their everyday lives . . . or deaths . . . Yes, its a sci-fi book talking about supernatural powers! Hope you find it an interesting read. Let's catch up end of this month and discuss more about the book and such paranormal powers. No worries, if you have not read this book, but we can talk about similar books which you have had a chance to read! Looking to see you all and have an interesting interaction with all lovely children! Have a lovely Day and a great week ahead! Thanks Shameem.
New comment 21d ago
Book for the month of June - Thunder Struck by Ali Sparkes
Hi! New to this group, so hello everyone! My son will be going into year 4 in September and I want to start him on the 11 plus journey so I am currently looking at tuition options and maybe some online apps/tools if anyone can recommend? I keep seeing Atom Learning and Examberry popping up on my facebook and was wondering if anyone on here has used these tools as part of the learning process for the 11 plus and do you recommend? I have no idea how to start this journey so any advice given is welcome. My son seems quite confident in Maths and seems to enjoy this (he is in the top set at school) so I would like to continue to encourage this with him but it’s English I am more concerned with as he seems to lack confidence yet he is a strong reader (currently reading Harry Potter books). Thank you! X
Revision Module ready...with July and August plan templates
To all the parents of the OS program, the Revision module is now ready. πŸ₯³ It includes the July and August plan templates along with the previously published templates for April, May and June. I want you to go through this module and tell me what else you need apart from the content we have put together. A lot of it has been collated from the other modules so revision becomes easier. These are resources that will help you help your child as you enter the last couple of months before the tests. Let me know in the comments belowπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ and we will consider it and do what we can. πŸ’« It can be anything so please don't hesitate and I will do my very best to add relevant content πŸ‘ My team have also emailed order details to all those who purchased the 'Plan and Revision' bundle from our website (which includes all of the things in the revision module and some from the planning module) as a reminder that the plan template document has been updated for July and August.😻
New comment 4h ago
Warm-Up Prompt for Day 2: June 25
Continuing our warm-up for the creative writing challenge starting on July 1st. Prompt: If you could visit any place in the world (real or imaginary), where would you go and what would you do there? Book Connection: Think aboutΒ Harry Potter and the Philosopher's StoneΒ by J.K. Rowling. Imagine visiting Hogwarts for the first time. What magical places would you explore and why? We can’t wait to hear about the magical places you’ll explore! Remember, the full challenge starts on July 1st. Make sure to sign up and join the fun! Keep Dreaming Big PRIZE 2: A rare edition (not available widely) of The 11+ Journey water bottle
New comment 9h ago
ARE YOU READY? We are all set for the CW challenge.
πŸ†Zoom links and joining details have been sent to all those who signed up for the creative writing challenge (FREE). Please check your spam and junk if you don't see it in your inbox and download the booklet we will use for the challenge. Please do this before contacting me. Mandy will be taking the first three sessions (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and I will be taking the last two (Thursday and Friday). πŸ†50-page Creative Writing Workbook and bonus content which includes 8 additional writing tasks have been emailed to all those who ordered our workbook. (NOT FREE except for parents on OS program) As promised, I have messaged all 7 parents (check your messages on SKOOL) who signed up instantly when we put up the challenge with a discount code to use for our downloadable resources. I had promised this when we had to change the dates. Why am I doing this? Because I love early ACTION-TAKERS!! And I want to be like one of you. The person who takes ACTION NOW! If you haven't signed up your child yet, you can do it before midnight on Sunday, 30th June. We will be giving away prizes on every day of the challenge. 🌟Book of your choice from our book list, 🌟11+ Journey water bottle 🌟Downloadable resource from EPRB 🌟Book from the Cadwaladr collection 🌟The 11+ Journal. The challenge begins on Monday at 4:15 pm, on the dot. The link to sign up is
New comment 9h ago
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The 11 Plus Journey OS
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