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"What I learned is don't go all crazy"
A met with one of my long time clients today and he has been making some great progress recently! When we started there were many things about his nutrition and lifestyle he did not want to change, but knew changes needed to be made as he'd had a cancerous tumor removed. We took things slow going at a pace he felt comfortable with. The last few months he's really made big moves and is feeling all the positive changes in his health! He also reported that he noticed his hair is growing back! YAY! At the end of our session he said, "What I've learned through all of this is don't go all crazy. If you try to do it all at once you'll give up. Take your time, take baby steps, and you'll get there." I think that this is such an important lesson we can all be reminded of. Even when I was making changes to my nutrition and lifestyle I did it one step at a time. I didn't do it all overnight or in a week or even month. It took a couple of years of dedication, and it's still an ongoing process and journey. I love to see when clients have their own "ah-hah" moments! It's so exciting!
"What I learned is don't go all crazy"
Welcome! Read me first
Welcome to the TD Nutrition community. You are now entering a hidden oasis on the internet for people looking to achieve their best health. Here's EXACTLY what to do first: Step 1: Introduce yourself HERE using this Copy/Paste Template: What's your nickname? Where you from? Favorite meal? Favorite fruit? What do you want immediate help with inside of this community? Step 2: Learn how to unlock everything by reading this. ------- Best practices in this community: β€’ Try to level up quickly by commenting and posting your insights or health journey in the community. β€’ Hit 'Like' πŸ‘ on every helpful post or comment you see to help others level up. β€’ When you write a post, break up your paragraphs into single sentences like I am doing now - this way more people will read what you write, and actually reply. β€’ Make sure your profile picture is a photo of you. β€’ Be cool. β€’ If you ever get stuck, feel overwhelmed, are not sure what 'next step' to take, just ask the community. ------ Group Rules: 1) No Self Promotion 2) No Selling in the DM's 3) No Spamming the Community Feed
New comment 7d ago
Today Taylor said about doing more in the app, and I think we should help her. So I’m going to write about a set back I had last week. I went to my families house and they said they would have fruit for me. When I got there, there wasn’t any fruit and the closest store is 30 min away. I stayed for a few days then decided to leave early. My stomach was so upset and I looked like I did before going fruitarian. I came home and went to my local fruit stand. I bought cherries and strawberries and blueberries and of course watermelon.
New comment 8d ago
Are you willing to learn your own way?πŸ‰
Last week I had a great session with one of my amazing clients and we were discussing how nutrition is not an instruction manual that you can't just write up what you do and give it to another friend or family member and have it work for them. Nutrition is very individual. We all go through our own journey. 🏝️ While sure, there are general tips that I could give someone like "eat more fruit" or "lower your fat intake," but what that exactly will look like for you versus for me or versus for my client will be completely different. πŸŸ£πŸŸ§πŸ”·πŸŸ‘πŸ”ΊπŸŸ© The way each one of us apply different nuggets of nutritional information to our lives is so individual. This is why when someone asks me or any one of my clients to "just write down what you do and I'll do that" won't work. You have no connection to those set of instructions or habits. Plus, those instructions don't take into account your specific health situation and needs. Sure, I share exactly what eat and my suggestions with you all on Instagram, but how you apply my knowledge and information to your own life with look completely different. And that is okay!πŸ˜„ It should look different, because you are a totally different person than me. β˜€οΈ We all need to be willing to learn our own way to health and optimal nutrition. Yes, having the guidance of a friend or coach, like myself, is useful, but we cannot expect to take someone else's exact habits and apply them to our own lives.
New comment 9d ago
Are you willing to learn your own way?πŸ‰
πŸ‰ More Me than EVER before
I made a big change recently (in case you noticed) TD nutrition is STILL my main business name... but it was SUPER boring and not very reflective of my bubbly/weird self! SO From here out my community will be more about ME and my obsession with fruits & fitness THUS the community's new name: Fruit Girl πŸ‰ AND my paid community's new name: Fruit Girl FIT πŸ‰πŸŒπŸ’
11 members have voted
New comment 16d ago
πŸ‰ More Me than EVER before
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Fruit Girl πŸ‰
Overcome your autoimmune challenges and gain a flat tummy at any age, by fine tuning what you already do. πŸ’πŸ‰πŸŒπŸ‘πŸ‡πŸ₯‘πŸŠπŸ‹πŸ“πŸπŸ«
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