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Spiritual Gym Meeting is happening in 6 days
What's everyone reading (or listening to) this weekend?
These two are my current reads, and the other pic is my TBR piile... 🤣 owning a bookshop is a blessing and a curse! 😁🙏❤️.
New comment 1h ago
What's everyone reading (or listening to) this weekend?
28 day total body challenge
I'm sharing this for accountability. My PT set this challenge for her tribe and today is Day 3 for me. Anyone want to join me??? The starting measures are: ⭐️ How many Sit Ups in one minute (for me, with a 5kg weight, I can do 18). ⭐️ How many Press Ups in one minute (for me on-the-knees press ups, that's 19), ⭐️ How many Squats in one minute (for me that's 29 with an 8kg kettlebell). ⭐️ How long can I stay in Plank (for me that's 3 minutes 11 seconds)... So let's see what this challenge will do to these measures after 28 days! Feeling challenged and motivated! Note that this will be in addition to my everyday non-negotiable list and daily fitness activities of cycling, swimming, PT or Pilates. Wish me luck (and consistency!!!)... 😁👍 Feel free to nag me for updates!!
New comment 21h ago
28 day total body challenge
Going Beyond The Physical (with Chris Christou)
I loved recording this, I hope you enjoy listening to it.
Going Beyond The Physical (with Chris Christou)
JP and the Duracell bunny... 😁👍 JP being awesome on tv!!!
New comment 1d ago
Hey JP! this looks fantastic... 🙌 Hola beautiful souls happy Saturday!!! So great to be here. Cant wait to dive back in💃 See you all next friday 🥰
New comment 2d ago
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