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Spiritual Gym Meeting is happening in 19 hours
Happy New Month!
July arrives like a warm summer breeze, whispering promises of growth and joy. This month is all about embracing your inner light and radiating it outward. Here's a little soul nudge for July: - Reflect - Shine Bright - Celebrate Remember, you are a radiant being capable of incredible things. This July, let your light shine! P.S. What are your intentions for July? Please share them in the comments and uplift each other's journeys!
Happy New Month!
Monthly Commitments (June 2024)
Add your 3 Monthly Commitments (Big Goals) here for the month ahead, followed by your Must (Big Why) for achieving them. (IN THE COMMENT SECTION BELOW) Let's ignite our enthusiasm and establish our goals for the month ahead. Take a moment to contemplate your goals and dedicate yourself to achieving them. Share your 3 commitments for the month and the reason (why) that’s driving them. By sharing our commitments, we enhance our combined energy, motivation and inspiration. Here’s to a month of Joy, Purpose, Discipline and Vision! JPDV
New comment 4d ago
Hey, welcome to Spiritual Gym! STEP ONE: Introduce yourself - Where are you from? - What are you passionate about? - What are your currently challenges? - What are you most interested in, as an SG member? - How do you feel we can help you? STEP TWO: Get stuck in! - Optimize your Bio/Profile, so members know you - Go through the OTE course (highly valuable coaching) - Block out our online meet ups in your calendar - Watch the recordings of previous monthly sessions STEP THREE: Best practices: - Share valuable insights and lessons in the community - Support other members by liking and commenting - Stop and think before you post, “Is this valuable?”
New comment 3d ago out on the bike!
5 miles round a local lake (Draycote Water). Loved every minute! 😃👍♥️
New comment 5h ago out on the bike!
Monthly Commitments (July 2024)
Add your 3 Monthly Commitments (Big Goals) here for the month ahead, followed by your Must (Big Why) for achieving them. (IN THE COMMENT SECTION BELOW) Let's ignite our enthusiasm and establish our goals for the month ahead. Take a moment to contemplate your goals and dedicate yourself to achieving them. Share your 3 commitments for the month and the reason (why) that’s driving them. By sharing our commitments, we enhance our combined energy, motivation and inspiration. Here’s to a month of Joy, Purpose, Discipline and Vision! JPDV
New comment 5h ago
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Spiritual Gym
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Live longer, look fitter, make more money, be more fulfilled, and find inner peace, at The Spiritual Gym.
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