There are many forms of power, and presence is one of them.
What do I mean by presence?
Your ability to be aware moment to moment and the influence/power of your energetic space.
Being present is essentially being with what is in a given moment.
A simple gateway to this natural power is the sensing of one’s space, meaning being aware of not only the sensation of the body, but the space that the body exists in.
You can also call this being aware of your energy body [aka the etheric body]
This is as simple as feeling the clothes on your skin, the heat in your body, the movement of the breath, your feet on the floor and so on.
From a combat perspective, sensing your space allows you to maximize both the direction and potential power of your body in both offensive and defensive cycles.
From a life perspective, being present makes you conscious of both your own emotional and mental condition. But also the energies/emotions that are given off by others.
The more you train the sensing of your space, the more present, focused and aware you become, this is the now of power.
Simply put, sense your body, so that you can become conscious moment to moment, the sensations of your space are not telling you stories from the past or worried about the future. They are simply present.
This can be amplified through alignment with one’s spiritual intention.
Do you hav any tools / tips / tricks to feel present?
Let me know in the comments 👇