My thoughts so far
I have only just begun my Wing Chun journey, and I have had some thoughts that I would like to share with the community, (not sure if this is the right page). This may be lengthy so please bear with me.
I said in my introduction that I have already had martial arts training. I started at 14 with wrestling, moved on with Karate at 17 - got to 6th kyu, moved on to Shaolin Kempo Kung Fu where I reached the rank of Lao Shi. At the same time I started Tae Kwon Do (IDF), where I earned my 1st Dan. After the two clubs collapsed, I moved onto Jeff Speakman's Kenpo 5.0 because It was a long time goal. Got to blue belt before life went south on me.
Why am I giving you my martial arts resume?
Because while I am watching Sifu John's Videos, in my mind I am melding what I have learned previously with the Wing Chun lessons. In my mind I am seeing what techniques from say Kenpo 5.0 will compliment the Wing Chun guard and stance. I am reminded of lessons from my Shaolin Kempo days. It's exciting to add to my knowledge of Martial Science so I can improve my Martial Art!
Dan Machulka
My thoughts so far
The Wing Chun Family
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