Introducing... Me!
👋 Hi, I’m Dan! I live in Toowoomba Queensland and I plan on developing My Martial Arts Skills, meditative practices and improving mental health.
I want to get these 3 things from the community:
  1.  I want to get back into the Martial Arts. I stepped away a couple of years ago for mental health reasons and now I am ready to go back.
  2.  I want to centre myself spiritually and mentally.
  3. I want to get my Mind, Body and Spirit working together.
For fun I like to do these 3 things:
  1.  Woodwork
  2.  Learn new things
  3.  Hit the gym!
Dan Machulka
Introducing... Me!
The Wing Chun Family
🧘‍♂️ Making Kung Fu & Meditation Education Available to Everyone 🥷
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