BELLOWS BREATH (Bhastrika Pranayama)
The Bellows Breath is a pranayama used to relieve lethargy or foggy mind. A short minute of this breathing exercise can recharge your system at anytime during your practice. As compared to the Breath of Fire, which is a forceful exhalation and a passive inhalation, the Bellows Breath is a forceful inhalation and exhalation, often combined with a specific bodily movement. Most often it is used with a movement of the arms up
and down, as you inhale and exhale.
• Nostrils need to be clean.
• Sit in a kneeling position or easy cross legged position on your sitz bones.
• As you take a full inhalation, raise your arms straight up towards the sky. (The arms once extended upward are in line with your ears.)
• On a forceful, or dynamic exhalation bring the arms back down to your waist line.
• As you practice you may discover your head wants to move up and down as well. Keep it as still as you can, with chin parallel to the ground and neck long.
•Once you have the technique, close your eyes as you practice.
Develop your practice gradually, beginning with just a few rounds of inhalations and exhalations, and then resting. As your respiratory system and circulatory
system get accustomed to the effects, they will allow you to increase the number of rounds without causing any stress. (Stress in this pranayama would be
experienced as hyperventilation, which is not the intention of this pranayama. If this occurs simply, bring your head lower than your heart and relax. Next time
do fewer rounds. Fewer rounds with consistent practice is more beneficial than long rounds done inconsistently.)
• Relieves lethargy.
• Clears mind.
• Nice preparation for alternate nostril breathing as it oxygenates the system which supports longer inhalations, longer exhalations and longer holdings.
• Schizophrenia and other mental imbalances.
• Pregnancy, unless mother has been practicing this regularly before pregnancy.
• Menstruation.
• Chronic respiratory imbalances.
• Head cold or earaches.
T.j. Thompson
BELLOWS BREATH (Bhastrika Pranayama)
The Wing Chun Family
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