Script-less Selling Key Takeaways
I just finished watching the call recording for script-less selling, these are some of the key takeaways I got!
  • When new to script-less selling start with a simple frame. Even having some questions that will help you in discovery and slowly removing them until its the barebones frame
  • If you take notes during the call let the prospect know so they don't think you are not paying attention.
  • High level promise needs to be directed to their pain points. Using their language back to them is even better.
  • Be aware of the prospects tone of voice, that will let you know if there is something else that you may need to discover a little more on ( usually an emotional pain point ).
  • B2B selling tends to be more logistical, B2C tends to be more emotional.
Cristhian Elenes Ramirez
Script-less Selling Key Takeaways
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