Phase 3 Takeaways - 9/12
Taking DM/SMS setting and putting it into a voice
Setting Calls should be 3-5 minutes
Least amount of questions possible to get their goals, their current situation and why they aren't where they want to be
Double dial if the lead doesn't answer, leave a voicemail and send a follow up text
Confident tonality, clear speaking and no stumbling on your words
Childlike curiosity
-What does 2 levels deep mean?
Remove expectation of a sale
Warp up the call with recourses for the next meeting and double confirm the date and time before you hang up
Angela Kauffman
Phase 3 Takeaways - 9/12
Sales Alliance Academy Premium
Changing the High Ticket Sales World, one rep at a time ๐ŸŒŽ
Leaderboard (30-day)
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