Mock Calls Zoom 9/3 Takeaways
Key Takeaways: The pain points and digging in on them are ammunition for later in the call. They are ammo against the objections that will come up.
Keeping it in Frame is always necessary, so again, always start with setting frame solidly.
The bringing up of the kids on Adaโ€™s call was an opportunity to dig in on that. That will be great ammo for later for objections as well as painting that beautiful picture.
Something that Dylan said was fire: paraphrasing here- โ€œIf you just go to the solution, vs. really going through the pain (validating) then someone may not be able to move forward on a subconscious level.โ€ This is about them as an individual actually being seen, which is huge as a human in general, but what will definitely set you apart as a sales rep.
Being able to really ground yourself and tap into confidence before a call is crucial. That may look different person to person, so what works for me?
Ryan Budvitis
Mock Calls Zoom 9/3 Takeaways
Sales Alliance Academy Premium
Changing the High Ticket Sales World, one rep at a time ๐ŸŒŽ
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