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Entry level programming - the vernacular
There are certain terms that I will use OFTEN, some are pretty obvious, and others may not be, but either way here is a list for reference. Bench - Bench Press Squats - Barbell Back Squats DL - Deadlift GM - Good Morning RDL - Romanian Deadlift SSB - Safety Squat Bar Smith - Smith Machine OH - Overhead DB - Dumbbell BB - Barbell KB - Kettle Bell To Fail - set will be done to failure R/P - set will be done Rest/ Paused Cluster Set - a set done with multiple very short rest periods (5-10 seconds) within it Widow Maker - a 100 rep set done at the end of a leg day as a finisher Azreal (Angel of Death) - A series of Sets, typically done on a Leg Press, - Set #1 - do 20 reps at a normal pace with the most weight possible - Set #2 - Do 15 reps at a normal pace, followed by an additional 5 reps paused at the bottom - Set #3 - Do 10 reps at a normal pace, followed by an additional 10 reps paused at the bottom - Set #4 - Do 5 reps at a normal pace, followed by an additional 15 reps paused at the bottom There will be exercises that will be unfamiliar, remember that I will be attaching a video library with videos for every movement that will be programmed, until that is finished, I can send them on request from my phone at almost any time that you may need.
Exercise Programming Questions and Answers
This is where questions revolving around your individual exercises and overall programming will be answered. Please feel free to ask questions via text or this thread, just know that I will answer here directly so that everyone in the group can get the information. And remember that there are no stupid questions when you are uneducated on the subject matter, so please ask away!!!
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S2 Weight Management
A Weight Loss, Nutrition, and Strength Training community for busy professionals over 40 who don't think that they have the time to help themselves
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