Entry level programming - the vernacular
There are certain terms that I will use OFTEN, some are pretty obvious, and others may not be, but either way here is a list for reference. Bench - Bench Press Squats - Barbell Back Squats DL - Deadlift GM - Good Morning RDL - Romanian Deadlift SSB - Safety Squat Bar Smith - Smith Machine OH - Overhead DB - Dumbbell BB - Barbell KB - Kettle Bell To Fail - set will be done to failure R/P - set will be done Rest/ Paused Cluster Set - a set done with multiple very short rest periods (5-10 seconds) within it Widow Maker - a 100 rep set done at the end of a leg day as a finisher Azreal (Angel of Death) - A series of Sets, typically done on a Leg Press, - Set #1 - do 20 reps at a normal pace with the most weight possible - Set #2 - Do 15 reps at a normal pace, followed by an additional 5 reps paused at the bottom - Set #3 - Do 10 reps at a normal pace, followed by an additional 10 reps paused at the bottom - Set #4 - Do 5 reps at a normal pace, followed by an additional 15 reps paused at the bottom There will be exercises that will be unfamiliar, remember that I will be attaching a video library with videos for every movement that will be programmed, until that is finished, I can send them on request from my phone at almost any time that you may need.