Will pass this on to a few people I know
Bitchassness is a new one on me, but I know quite a few times in my life I’ve been a victim and worn that shit like a jacket. It’s weight heavier and heavier till it feels like it’s sewn to the skin.
Some days it’s been the only thing I can feel, this overbearing weight like a flu you just can’t seem to shake off. There’s been a lot of stuff in my life I can’t control or fathom and I’ve spent years trying to pick at the bones to see what went wrong, excuse the perps and I guess try to amour up for future attacks. It doesn’t get lighter to wear, this jacket, but I feel like doing this may be helping me see I can choose another outfit. One that fits me. One that I choose to wear.
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Sarah Dawson
Will pass this on to a few people I know
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