If you saw my last post, I felt disconnected yesterday which made the grounding meditation a little difficult.
I tried it again today and was able to get through it much better. Instead of a cord connecting to the ground I imagined a trash shoot down my spine and went through my body and thoughts with a shovel and just dumped everything down the trash shoot. Then I tore apart the trash shoot. It was a step in the right direction with becoming connected to myself again.
I often times feel disconnected from myself. Almost as if I live outside of my body and it kind of leaves me disoriented. I struggle to stay in the present. I think after years of depression, I learned to dissociate from my reality because I didn’t like my reality. Now I’m trying to get back to myself.
These meditations have really helped. Slowly I am finding my way back.
Has anyone else had this experience?
Sarah Dudley
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