Day 18
Nearly took me till day 19 to get through 18. Man, what a fuckin scatterbrain doozy of a day/days/daze. Showed up.
Made it though and that's all that fuckin counts
Oh, the good old rhetorical 'right'.
Feeling much better (now).
How come I keep waiting so long.
This would be better in the beginning (of my day/life)
Why do I stress so fuckin much about it.
It's about not giving a fuck,
(rhetorical) Right?
Why when asked to envision something that's happened in my life, or a feeling, or a place , or a...during meditation, why do I often feel anxiety and draw a blank and then start spiraling, worrying that if I can't find this place, or this feeling, or this... I'm going to fall behind & fail.
WHY why WHY?
Literally what has transpired in the 3.5 hours in between penning this flow and writing this unpack could not be scripted
...and (unapologetically) no fucks given
Justin Ayala
Day 18
Release Your F*cks Society
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