Making Meaning
On the Unleashed Zoom yesterday, mentioned all of her past purchases of self-improvement programs (and emotions around not "doing" them). I have bookshelves and online audios of programs I have purchased over the years to "fix" me--that I haven't participated in. I start judging myself, feeling overwhelmed, disappointed, foolish, shame/guilt, as well as beating self up for all the money I spent.
We are meaning making machines--that is what the mind does as every event is neutral and we add meaning. Make an empowering meaning. Get out from under the guilt/shame. FORGIVE MYSELF. "I am a person who has the courage to change". "I am a good person who is seeking". Start building on what gives pleasure. I noticed more freedom as I self-forgave. "I am the kind of woman who forgives myself and has the courage to change."
Sally S
Making Meaning
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