I was chatting to a close friend this morning about an offering we are putting out in January (we are starting a business together) and we had another mutual friend give us some feedback about the 'advertising content' for our January offering. She was quite negative and didn't seem to 'get' what we were offering/doing. My notice was that my immediate reaction was, "Oh well, why are we bothering? People aren't going to 'get it', so what's the point." It's almost like an excuse or reason not to put ourselves out there and start something new. But then I thought about Wendy and how she coached Sally through the blocks she had about putting her art into the world. I remember her saying something to Sally like, "You could just say to yourself that maybe no one will like the art I am putting out there, but I am going to do it anyway, and if I bring it all home, well that's okay because I love the art I make." @Wendy Hart or @Sally S please correct me if I haven't got this quite right! 🤣 So my friend and I were like, we love our offering and know it has value, and if no one else likes it, that's okay; it's just information and not a personal reflection on us.