⭐️ The Day My Whole Life Changed ⭐️
Sometimes in life you can pinpoint the exact moment when everything changed…
This was one of those moments…
This picture was taken 12 years ago…
It was day 3 of the Olympic trials right after my 200m IM. My dad took the photo because I think my mom was too shaky.
It was the best moment of my life… I finally did it… After 17 years of training..
I’m going to the Olympic Games.
And let’s be honest…
Can you see the relief in my face???
I had just had my best year of training…
Mostly because I was given the opportunity to work 1-1 with Dr Jim Bauman who was the sports psychologist of Michael Phelps… #Blessed
But I’ll never forget the time when things didn’t work out for me.
Feeling good in training, even better during taper…
I knew it was MY moment to shine and score a lot of points for my team (University of Virginia)...
Even the warm-up was blazing fast and everyone knew I was in shape.
And I always felt even better when I shaved… (in America, we let our beards grow for like 3 months before the big meet)
But then when I got to the call room, something changed.
My heart started racing…
My brain decided to propel me into these full HD scenarios of everything that could go wrong…
And the worst was, I had no clue how to stop it.
And sure enough, the first 100m felt cranky and totally different than an hour ago during warm up…
My legs started burning earlier than usual and I knew this is no bueno.
When I touched the wall (yes, I came last…), I was devastated.
I let down my team, my coaches, my parents and most importantly… Myself. Again.
Today, because I took that leap of faith, and because I got help from people who knew more than me (clearly!), I'm humbled to say I have been able to positively impact 100’s of swimmers in Europe…
I have had the honor of helping and mentoring competitive swimmers who not only made themselves and their families happy, but also elevated their entire swim club.
Lots of people ask me.. hey man.. How did you have such a massive drop in your PB’s in your last year of swimming?
How did you do it??
I have had these questions come in for far too long..
I have spent my entire adult life collecting assets.. not physical ones.. but the untouchable ones.. timeless ones..
Assets that will allow swimmers to overcome pre-race anxiety and live out their true dreams..
Assets that will empower struggling, hard-working competitive swimmers to finally crush their PB’s consistently.
Tomorrow is my birthday .. but this year, I'll be the one giving you a gift :)
Tomorrow at 4pm CET.. I will be making the biggest, most impactful announcement of my professional life.. right here on Skool.
This movement will finally equip swimmers to live the life they know they were meant to live..
The internet will never be the same again.. Just like I saved this picture of me qualifying for the Olympics.. I will be saving tomorrow's announcement.. because years from now we'll look back at it and say…
Man.. that's the day when EVERYTHING changed..
That was the best thing that ever happened to me..
Stay tuned…
See you at the pool!
David Karasek
⭐️ The Day My Whole Life Changed ⭐️
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