Many bad choices and habits in the past had led me to a place where I did not like what I saw in the mirror.
When I started the one-on-one training program with Anthony I made the decision to trust his knowledge, his expertise and the process. I follow his instructions down to a T. No compromises, no excuses. No matter if I'm at a pub or at work, I do what I need to do to get the results I've always wanted but never managed to achieve before.
It does require some effort, but it is perfectly doable. Where there's a will, there's a way.
And I'm well on my way! 💪😉
I could have never done this on my own though, so booking that initial chat with Anthony was a massive turning point for me, and his continuous advice and support helps me stay on track.
Bernadett Csaszar
Lean Seven
Lean Seven is a comprehensive program dedicated to optimising the seven key hormones that promote fat loss, body recomposition and youthful ageing.
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