How amazing is it that our God is the only God of Love first.
In doing some reading and devotional this morning - I was reminded that of all the religions in the world Christianity is the only one that is LOVE first. All of our interactions with God are through the lens of LOVE. Even when there is correction and discipline - it is through the lens of love. There is no other faith that is so love centric. And being love centric makes ALL the difference.
He so LOVED this world and the humans in it - despite their full rejection of that love and relationship - that he did the unthinkable and became human so he could repair forever that broken relationship.
That is pretty mind blowing.
And this is just a reminder that if you are indeed going to call yourself a Christian - you much proceed LOVE first in all things. Not easy for sure. But that is how we truly walk and act in the image of God. Love first.
Have a great weekend!
Havilah Vangroll
How amazing is it that our God is the only God of Love first.
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