🔥 Align Your HEART With His 🔥
Partnership with Holy Spirit isn’t about sitting back and waiting for Him to move.
It’s about seeking His heart and trusting His eternal perspective.
When our hearts align with His, we start to want what He wants—not because He forces it, but because we know His way is better.
He sees the end of the story.
He knows what we can’t.
The Hebrew months remind us to pause, reflect, and ask:
“Where am I holding onto my own plans instead of trusting His timing?”
It’s a humbling question.
But when we let go, clarity follows.
We can step forward with confidence, knowing He’s guiding us.
How has aligning with God’s timing changed your life or business?
Let’s talk about it in the comments!
Lisa Vanderveen
🔥 Align Your HEART With His 🔥
Kingdom Culture Revolution
Equipping & activating believers to establish heavenly solutions, empowering them to fulfill their purpose with clarity, confidence, and conviction.
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