This Program WILL transform your Life!
There is ZERO doubt this program will change your world!
Bottomline: you WILL have to work and change aspects of your life. BUT the coaches will give you the answers to the test.
This program can accommodate everyone from the D1 athlete to a sedentary man who needs a reason to shed some inches and gain strength. I think there’s a former NFL player in the program.
The KT program is built to support you. There’s a thread we use to post our challenges as well as celebrate each other’s success. It’s helpful even if you aren’t chatty. Reading some of the struggles gives you perspective into what other men are dealing with. My personal coach is Peter! Straight shooter who has helped my perfect my technique so I can continue to get stronger.
My personal situation: I spent decades serving in the Army at various levels in different jobs. Spent time in SOF where we were expected to be in peak physical condition. We used to run 5k/10k for fun🙄. We did all the standard strength exercises bench press, squat, pull-ups yadda yadda yadda. We dabbled in KBs but nothing like I do now.
I turned 48 this year (damn proud too) and didn’t think a program like this existed. I’ve been in KT now for 5 months and have shed just over 25lbs. My target weight is 200lbs. I’ve got about 17lbs to go. Here’s the kicker- I’m not skinny fat. This is NOT like weight watchers! While shedding fat I’m getting back muscles I haven’t seen in a few years.
If you’re still reading you care about yourself and are probably a bit nervous about the monetary investment or maybe how much time this will require. I do believe Grant offers you a guarantee. Listen- You won’t need to cash that in! If you commit to yourself and your goals this program WILL transform your life.
I hope to see you on our KT thread!
Just Jump…
This is the way
Martin Saffery
This Program WILL transform your Life!
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We help busy men transform their bodies and get kettlebell strong from home without sacrificing family or career time.
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