Grinding and Leveling Up.
Today, I was excited to receive my new 36kg kettlebell and rang the bell in celebration. I did my first quarter reps in the getup using the new kettlebell, which involves lifting it from the ground to an overhead seated position, holding it there for 3-5 seconds, and then lowering it back to the ground. I am following a version of KT's getup strength progression model that involves using moderate, heavy, and very heavy bells, specifically 28kg, 32kg, and 36kg bells. I have been following a methodical progression for approximately 16 weeks, starting with a very heavy 24kg bell and now pulling in the 36kg with the Free KT. I am feeling much stronger and more confident in my progress. 馃Ж
Ak Svercek
Grinding and Leveling Up.
Free Kettlebell Transformation
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