54 year old surfer with herniated discs (good times🏄‍♂️)
Where are you from? Huntington Beach, CA
What's your nickname? Just plain ol Mike
Favorite Kettlebell Exercise? Probably the snatch but it's been several years...
Least Favorite Kettlebell Exercise? Overhead squat - lacking the flexibility to do it
What do you need immediate help with inside this community? I used to swing KB's 5+ years ago but my L4, L5, S1 are herniated, etc. so it's hard for me to imagine swinging or TGU's with my 53lb bell, let alone exceeding that weight. I don't want to further injure my back BUT I also know that I need to strengthen my core to protect my back! Hoping that I can do just that with KB's!
Mike Stambaugh
54 year old surfer with herniated discs (good times🏄‍♂️)
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