Why most indie devs fail (and how to beat the odds)
Pop quiz: What kills most app projects?
A) Bad code
B) Lack of marketing
C) Tough competition
The real answer? Loneliness and lack of accountability.
Coding solo is a fast track to burnout and unfinished projects.
But there's a fix. It's not fancy. It's not high-tech. But it works.
Here's how our Indie App Dev Forum changes the game:
  • Instant feedback on your ideas (save months of wasted coding)
  • Beta testers eager to break your app (in a good way)
  • Accountability to keep you shipping
It's like having a team of co-founders, without giving up equity.
Your mission:
  1. Join our next group call (Wednesday’s coworking call)
  2. Share your biggest app roadblock
  3. Help solve someone else's problem and we’ll do the same for you
Remember: Every app empire could start with a single post.
P.S. Stuck on something? Post in the “questions” channel. You'll have solutions within hours.
Aivars Meijers
Why most indie devs fail (and how to beat the odds)
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