Spiritual Sunday - For Our Fellow Believers 🙏🏻
Hey all, if you're part of this community, I want to be transparent and let everyone know that I will typically share my faith on Sundays.
If you're not a Christian, or you're an Atheist, or anything else, you're still 110% welcome here with open arms.
No judgement. Nothing but love.
I only share my faith because I view fitness as a spiritual journey, and it can cultivate the grace, forgiveness, and love we all need to be better humans.
My faith in God personally gives me the nourishment I need to overcome my own shortcomings and adversities in life--while continuing to evolve as a husband, father, papa, and fitness pro.
Because there's ONE thing about fitness (or any area of life) that's true for EVERY person, regardless of our beliefs.
"If it is to be—it's up to me."
Our choices and actions, NOT our circumstances, determine our outcomes.
I'm not trying to minimize anyone's battles, or situation, and we all have our crosses to bear.
For those of you who are believers, here's my reminder for this week:
👉🏼 How can God make our garden produce fruit if we don’t pick the weeds?
👉🏼 How can He make the flowers beautiful if we don’t water and prune them?
👉🏼 How can He feed the baby birds without mom and dad dumping the worms in the nests?
👉🏼 How can He help you get lean for life, if you don’t take action?
He can’t.
As believers, we have to remember our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
And wake up daily making a conscious effort to treat it that way.
🙏🏻 Pray and be grateful.
🏋️ Lift weights and get 🚶‍♀️10k steps.
🥩 Adequate protein and 💦 water.
🛌 7-8hrs of high -quality sleep.
Is it easy? No.
Is it simple? Yes.
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart.
“As working for the Lord, not earthly men.
“Since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Master as your reward.”
“It is the lord Christ you are serving.”
Action always KILLS anxiety.
It's how God wired us.
And it's another secret of the lean body journey.
Keep going strong 💪🏻
Coach Shaun
Shaun Hadsall
Spiritual Sunday - For Our Fellow Believers 🙏🏻
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