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Use this if you struggle with title ideas. 🔥
Here's a list of title templates from a creator I follow. It's GOLD. (Here)
New comment 9h ago
Question on my branding
Hi all! I am BRAND new (pun intended) on YT so have some flexibility in crafting my brand and I want to do it intentionally. My name is India Witkin and I am creating content about food, travel, history, and self discovery. It will be very documentary style videos (vlogy style + talking head, explainers, interviews). I will have a food series coming out later this year that will be comprised of seasons (8 episodes posted once a week) that will be called INDIA EATS THE WORLD. I imagine this as a YT playlist. I am thinking of either calling the channel and my handle India Witkin OR I am thinking of changing the name of my channel and handle to My Name is India. Alternatively I can have my handle be @mynameisindia and keep the branding to just my name across. I am not a huge fan of my last name and constantly hear how confusing my name is to people ("wait india is your name??"). I know I need to center my name. What do people think!?
3 members have voted
New comment 9h ago
Looking for a Video Editor!
Hello guys! I'm looking for a vetted video editor that can help me push out videos by EOW! It's for a conference I just organized! It's 12 long form videos - only animations in the begging and end of video. 8 short form videos - interview style videos and recap! Editor Requirements: - Color Correction. - Highly Experienced. I can give $100 to the person that connects me to a great editor! Thank you! Here's my email:
New comment 2d ago
Anyone have any great video editors?
Hi all! Looking for a talented and affordable video editor for my YT channel who can also do social videos. Ideally someone abroad as I can't afford anyone in the USA... Save me from this hell of video editing PLEASE.
New comment 2d ago
Devon Nash Video 0 to 1
Loved the video. two ideas came from it for me: 1) Turn my essays into twitter threads - While I have done that in the past, he made a point that one brand built his/her followers on that strategy exclusively, and i have been wondering how to get more exposure for my content 2) To become more of an authority on the problems that make Americans pessimistic, I should generate content by spreading good ideas I find on podcasts. This keeps me from having to wait to get guests interviewed for me to create content about those ideas.
New comment 4d ago
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