Intro: the Not-yet DM
Salutations! I am a fantasy and sci-fi enthusiast, student of the human condition, collector of easy-to-play instruments, lover of the written and spoken word, wearer of costumes, and nascent TTRPG player (played my first 5E one-shot just over a year ago).
I believe TTRPGs are incredible systems for collaborative storytelling. I’m here to soak up knowledge and cut my teeth. I think I’ll enjoy DMing because I enjoy facilitation. I get a thrill from learning, thinking on my feet, and creating conditions that allow others to shine. I won’t ask you how I should start, though I welcome you to share that if you care to. Thank you for being here!
Paula Endicott
Intro: the Not-yet DM
Game Master's Laboratory
Game Masters teaching and learning how to run better tabletop role-playing games. One day we hope this group will host the best games in the world!
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