Grateful to be a have a program and new knowledge that empowers me to keep going even when I feel like I can’t or it’s “too much work”. Normally by this point I would have only been interested on a surface level and have gone back to my old choices especially on days like today where I am tired and overwhelmed and feeling discouraged. I am now committed and perhaps a little crazy over my health (spiritual , physical and emotional). So now giving up is not one of the choices.
The videos are so motivating! You have not just empowered me with knowledge but a dedication to myself and my intentional choices! Thank you!
I am grateful to each of you and your insights into your successes and struggles! This community is amazing! You inspire me. Thank you!
Danielle Cousin
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Freedomology is a community of people who are committed to achieving greater freedom in their health, relationships, and finances.
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