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21 contributions to Freedomology
Hi everyone! I am excited for this week’s focus of Flow. I have mentioned before that I do not sleep very well. I actually don’t remember when the last time I “slept through the night”. I have noticed that as I move more, eat better and have a great morning routine it has definitely help. I think focusing on the environment of my bedroom will make such a difference, too. I have actually been thinking about this for a long time and this is the motivation I need. Our bedroom has become the catch all for things we don’t know where to put or I the “I may use that someday” stuff. I am going to work on this space this week and see what the difference will be!! Thank you so for all your motivation!
New comment May 29
2 likes • May 29
@Tony Allen thank you! I started today! I’m excited for next week!
1 like • May 29
@Molly Woofter glad I’m not the only one!
Wanted / unwanted advice
My father used to always tell me —/ arty - the hardest thing in life is making any decision to just do something ! THEN - LIFE IS AMAZINGLY SOOO SIMPLE ; BECAUSE THEN—— EVEN WITH ALL THE OROBLEMS THROWN AT U ; ALL U HAVE TO DO , IS JUST WAKE UP AND KEEP TRYING TO DO IT ! Always thought that was the greatest advice young people could ever hear ! Think and thought my dad was amazingly wise fellow 😄
New comment May 30
2 likes • May 17
That is brilliant advice! He does sound like a wise man. Thank you so much for sharing his wisdom!
Grateful to be a have a program and new knowledge that empowers me to keep going even when I feel like I can’t or it’s “too much work”. Normally by this point I would have only been interested on a surface level and have gone back to my old choices especially on days like today where I am tired and overwhelmed and feeling discouraged. I am now committed and perhaps a little crazy over my health (spiritual , physical and emotional). So now giving up is not one of the choices. The videos are so motivating! You have not just empowered me with knowledge but a dedication to myself and my intentional choices! Thank you! I am grateful to each of you and your insights into your successes and struggles! This community is amazing! You inspire me. Thank you!
New comment May 17
0 likes • May 17
@Artisto Wyckoff thank you! I love hearing how everyone is doing, too!
0 likes • May 17
@Greg Clement it blows me away! I’m so grateful. Thank you for your guidance!
Tired today
Anyone deal with insomnia? Any tips? I’m excited for the week on sleep! I didn’t sleep very much last night but still got up early and did ADAM. Feels empowering to accomplish it but I’m dragging today. That’s ok. Not all days are going to be as easy as others. It’s about consistently, right? ADAM has given me a sense of purpose in the morning! Even without much sleep, I’m glad I got up and ADAM!
New comment May 13
0 likes • May 11
@Jacob Netherton thank you. I will look it up. Do you drink it in water?
0 likes • May 11
@Jacob Netherton thank you.
This morning I spent 10 minutes and went through the alphabet from A to Z with things/people I am grateful for. It was a fund exercise for me to try and do. Give it a try.
New comment May 9
1 like • May 7
Great idea!
0 likes • May 8
I did this today and it was awesome. Thank you for this idea. It made me think that I need to be more aware of what I am grateful for and write them down. I struggled with some of the letters.
1-10 of 21
Danielle Cousin
67points to level up
Mom, wife

Active 15h ago
Joined Apr 29, 2024
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