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67 contributions to Freedomology
HUGE announcement!
Hey gang! Not everyone was able to make the Live Call today, so I wanted to share some updates here in Skool so you're all in the loop. First, we wanted to let you know that although we are nearing the 40-day mark, this is just the BEGINNING. Our plan at Freedomology is to keep doing these sprints and invite more people to join. Eventually, we'll do F40 (a 40-day financial sprint) and R40 (a 40-day sprint to better relationships), but for now, we are going to run H40 again. And again. And again. YOU all are the H40 OG's, the original cohort, the early committed. And we are looking to YOU to help shape what H40 becomes. Your feedback is so valuable to us, so THANK YOU for all you've shared throughout your experience. Our next sprint is July 15th, and we'll invite many more people to join this community. Which brings me to Skool. This community is not going away after the 40 days are over. Again, this is just the beginning. Our vision is to grow this community to be a global MOVEMENT of people dedicated to better health, relationships, and finances. After July's sprint, we'll run H40 again on October 10th, World Mental Health day. In addition to that, we're putting together a bonus module for H40, you can expect that in the coming weeks. We're also putting together a carb-fasting cookbook and a carb-fasting app, so you will never have to wonder what to eat on your carb-fasting days again! And lastly, next week, there will be another survey coming your way like there was at the beginning of the sprint. If you fill out this survey, you'll get a free H40 T-Shirt! There's lots to be excited about, and we are just getting started. Thanks for being part of the first H40 cohort, and here's to many more!
New comment 19d ago
1 like • 25d
@Bene Ri Right on man, H40 is our 40-day sprint to better physical and mental health. Our next one will kick of July 15th, so you should definitely join us for that!
0 likes • 20d
@Deborah Gilchrist That's awesome! Good for you dropping the sugar, alcohol and gluten! which of those was the most difficult?
Getting family members to join with the FLOW
So this video was right up my alley. I am all about clean clutter free spaces and honestly have a hard time relaxing if something needs to be done. Problem is I have 4 kids and a husband who do not have the same level of clutter free need as I do. As a result, I am constantly picking up behind people and become resentful in the process. I would love some suggestions on how to get the others in my home to care as much as I do. And don’t get me started with the barn because if you haven’t had an argument with your kids in the barn about the importance of putting things back in the exact place you got it from then honestly … is it really a barn? I can’t tell you how many times the box cutter we use for the hay bales has been misplaced! I do understand that the alternative is I could let go a little bit but …. I’m type A and want it my way. Seriously though, my family helps and they aren’t jerks or anything I just have a lower clutter threshold than they do
New comment 27d ago
1 like • May 30
Man, I feel this. I have two young kids and our house looks like a tornado hit it by the end of each day. It feels like constant picking up after them. I'm hopeful that it's just a season, but teenage boys probably won't be any better. 😂 For me, I try to choose a few spaces that I DO have control over. My office at work, my studio in the basement. My bathroom. My car. That's about it to be honest. lol. I've accepted that the rest is going to have some degree of chaos going on. I don't know if that's a very helpful response, but in my experience, trying to get other people to change is frustrating and not always super effective. Curious if anyone else has a success story about this!
Weekly Live Coaching Call!
Our Weekly Coaching Call goes live in 15 mins on Zoom! We'll share the Top 10 steps you can take to transform your environments to support your physical and mental health. We'll also do our best to answer any questions you have about the FLOW module or anything else H40 related. See you there!
New comment May 30
Hi everyone! I am excited for this week’s focus of Flow. I have mentioned before that I do not sleep very well. I actually don’t remember when the last time I “slept through the night”. I have noticed that as I move more, eat better and have a great morning routine it has definitely help. I think focusing on the environment of my bedroom will make such a difference, too. I have actually been thinking about this for a long time and this is the motivation I need. Our bedroom has become the catch all for things we don’t know where to put or I the “I may use that someday” stuff. I am going to work on this space this week and see what the difference will be!! Thank you so for all your motivation!
New comment May 29
4 likes • May 28
That is PERFECT. Choosing to make your bedroom the place you transform this week is going to set you up perfectly for next week's focus on REST. That bedroom is going to become a sanctuary for you at the end of the day, rather than a dumping ground for clutter. Keep us posted! I want to see the transformation!
New Training Module: FLOW is Now LIVE
Head over to the classroom section of Skool for the latest training called FLOW. It's all about transforming your environment to be somewhere that supports your physical and mental health, and is just somewhere you love being. This week, you'll be choosing a space and giving it a transformation. We want to see before and after pics here in this group!
1-10 of 67
Tony Allen
324points to level up
Team lead at Freedomology, on a mission to improve my health, my finances and my relationships. Also I love bitcoin.

Active 47m ago
Joined Apr 26, 2024
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