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Smart Calories for Weight Loss 👀
Calorie Deficit weight loss is the ONLY proven way to lose weight - regardless of diet. Weight loss is simple: eat less calories than you burn. Today's Tip covers the importance of staying full while eating for a calorie deficit weight loss. ⭐️ View Today’s Tip
Smart Calories for Weight Loss 👀
Active Lifestyle Tips!
In today's clip I share some of my active lifestyle tips while using personal examples. These active lifestyle tips are sure to motivate you along on days where you're not "feeling it". ⭐️ See Today's Fitness Tip
Tuesday Tip: Stretch Those Hip Flexors!
⭐️ Check out Today’s Fitness Tip
Tuesday Tip: Stretch Those Hip Flexors!
Wednesday "Exercise of the Week" - Back Cable Row Machine
Each Wednesday I'll be covering tutorials on how to properly use gym equipment and other exercises. Today's Exercise is Cable Back Rows which you can do at any gym, or even at home with resistance bands. ⭐️ Check out today's Cable Back Rows
New comment Jul 17
Wednesday "Exercise of the Week" - Back Cable Row Machine
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The #1 encouragement group for individuals in need of daily fitness motivation. It's time to make fitness fun again! 💪🏾😜🎉
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