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To All New Members!
Hi everyone! I'm very excited to be here and start a new journey with all of you! I wanted to take this chance and introduce myself and my group and community. Conquering Burnout is a group about burnout awareness, prevention, and recovery. In this community, we're writing and posting about burnout and its related themes: stress, nutrition, lifestyle, mindset and psychology, passion and purpose, well-being, and mental health. Feel free to start a discussion, ask questions, engage with others, and post in this group. Also, share this group with those who might benefit from it!
New comment Feb 25
How Do You Handle Stress and Pressures in Your Life?
Hi everyone. It's been a very busy week for me and I wasn't able to post much here. Today I thought would be interesting to explore how you do handle stress and pressures that occur in your day-to-day life? We all experience stress, challenges and things in life that are not always within our control - but we can take control of how we react to those things. Let's explore: Comment below and list 1-3 things that you use to combat stress, pressures, and outside stimuli in your day-to-day life? :)
New comment Mar 6
Welcome All New Members!
Welcome to the group @Maja Birsa @Klemen Zupančič @Milan Bolčina Mlinarič @Onjae Malyszka @Ana Bullard @Annaelle Sabban @Scott Wilson @Debs Royle! Thank you for joining, I'm really glad and grateful to have you here! Feel free to start a discussion, ask questions, engage with others, and post in this group. Also, share this group with those who might benefit from it! I'm looking forward to interacting with all of you! 😊
Sunday Challenge
Happy Sunday everyone! I'm starting a new threat and category: Challenges. Here we'll have different challenges and Today, I challenge you to think about how to take advantage of this Sunday and what you can do today to prepare for the next week. The quote that came to mind was: “Do something today that your future self will thank you for.” by Sean Patrick Flanery. Take a moment, get in touch with yourself and your body, and list 1-3 things that you can do today that will serve your future. It might be more rest and self-care. It might be a walk in the nature. Maybe a coffee and conversation with a loved one. Or some time alone to get back in touch with yourself. To create some accountability, I invite you to share what you'll do today in the comments below. :)
Complete action
New comment Feb 27
Full Moon and Impact on Wellbeing and Mental Health
Over the last year or so, I started to notice how much astrological events affect me. In the past, I didn't pay much attention to astrology and I thought that it's all woo-woo and pseudo-science, that it doesn't make much sense, and that it's all in the head and mind. But then the last year or so, I started to notice how much movements and positions of celestial objects affect my energy, mental clarity, mental health, and overall well-being. I think that the more inner work you do and the more in touch you are with yourself, your body, mind, emotions, and spirit, the more you notice the external effects of environments and happening around you. Tomorrow, February 24th, there's a full moon in Virgo and the energies are supposed to be very strong. I feel them a lot! I haven't slept well the past couple of days, today I woke up fatigued and drained - both physically and mentally. Also, some bottled emotions that I didn't express came up. Although it's a bit frustrating, I try to give myself some grace and take advantage of this as an opportunity to do some inner work. This morning I did some intensive breathwork (link), then an activation meditation (link), and did some emotional releasing with screaming and shouting to Linkin Park music in my car on the way to work. I still don't feel the best, but I try to remind myself that it's going to be okay and that "This too shall pass." What about you? Do you feel the effects of astrological events on your well-being? How do you deal with it? 😊
New comment Feb 26
Full Moon and Impact on Wellbeing and Mental Health
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Conquering Burnout
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Conquering Burnout is a community for anyone who wants to prevent and beat burnout.
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