Aug '24 (edited) in Other
Do you follow up after networking within the Skool communities?
The Skool communities and the search functionalities offer great opportunities to find the right people/ experts/ environments for connection and networking, free or paid.
Why many don't follow up after the networking events?
Some say that people prefer to stay in their problems, that's why they do not follow up - but I don't believe this is a reason at all.
Here are eight reasons, based on my personal and professional practice as a facilitator of events and group experiences:
1. Creating a new habit to follow up, especially for already busy people, takes extra efforts and focus which can be overwhelming.
  • stack a new habit to an already existing one;
  • do follow ups in short sprints soon after the event while the energy and excitement are still high;
  • having an accountability group or a partner can help;
2. Making a change means stepping out of the comfort zone and can be hard, disrupting to the routine and scary - and not seen worthy especially if the positive outcome is not guaranteed.
make changes in small steps, one at a time, and celebrate your wins.
3. Lack of education - not knowing how to initiate a follow up contact, not having a ritual/ procedure to follow. Not knowing how to structure and behave in the follow up conversation - possible expectations to find oneself on a sales call instead of a connection call, etc.
check best practices, use guides, get training in communication and setting boundaries.
Check below in the comments the remaining five points.
To sum it up - training to develop new habits, tracking the interactions, working on overcoming inner blocks, doing sprints, having an accountability partner from the event are some of the things to help you establish an efficient follow up practice.
Do you follow up after a networking session with fellow Skoolers or in your real life?
Which of the above you feel is stopping you to do it regularly?
if you have another efficient way to do it, share below.
• Aug '24 (edited)
7. Life stands on the way of the good intention to follow up soon after the event - lacking the above allows the opportunities for a warm follow up to slip away.
Have positive attitude and growth mindset, practice self-care, develop a flexible dynamic goal setting and plans so that missing to follow up with those you connected with does not seem like a failure.
8. For neurodivergent people - apparently 15% of the population of UK (just an example to show it is not an isolated thing) being consistent can be even harder. Writing this as an undiagnosed neurodivergent entrepreneur myself - highly sensitive empath, possibly with ADD.
  • Check Point 7,
  • break down your tasks to small bits, do not aim to follow up with all 20 people you met in one week - make an achievable plan with dynamic targets
  • keeping it flexible
  • use your neurodivergent (ND) strengths
• Aug '24
neuro-divergent. Let me edit it.
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• Aug '24
to be honest, I have difficulties with following up. I believe it is my high sensitivity.
• Aug '24
Yes, I feel you! I am extremely sensitive, both to people as well as to natural energies.
When I have to do high intensity tasks or those that feel more challenging than usual, I wait for the phase of my natural energy cycle when I feel expansive and at a higher level and to the "extrovert" activities - if this makes sense. When my energy is contracting, I do other type of work, as an introvert - strategising, creating content, planning, etc.
• Aug '24 (edited)
When the flow stop, switch task. I say to myself. I am supposed do do somthing else. When I return some time later. Hours, days or more, the flow is back and the daunting task is done surprisingly fast.
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• Aug '24 (edited)
4. The fear of visibility is not a small thing - reaching out to someone after a networking event can be seen as "I am doing something that makes me stand out".
work on your mindset and possibly do trauma healing.
5. What comes with the fear of visibility? Fear of failure and fear of rejection. "What if the person I followed up with does not respond/ ghost me? What if they see me as a nuisance and don't show up for a call? What if they are a big authority and a at a higher level than me and I seem or sound not qualified enough?"
Check Point 4.
6. Not having a tracking system to acknowledge and analyse the compounding positive effect of following up with contacts.
Use trackers - a google sheet, an Airtable doc, I have an affiliate and partnership guide that can be adapted for this purpose, too.
Where can I find your affiliate and partnership guide?
• Aug '24 (edited)
It will be available today in my free community Show UP - free to everyone at Level 5, as a $7 workbook for those who want it before they level up.
• Aug '24
Do you use Aiirtable in your work, except the fact that the Skool platform is built with airtable it seems?
I will try to find a group with this topic “
Using Airtable in Skool”
• Aug '24
I use Airtable, yes. But why do you think Skool is built with Airtable, Lars? If you refer to the form at the end of the Onboarding module in my community, I linked Airtable manually.
• Aug '24
mindvalley new platform is built with Airtable. The dynamics of the interface, eg classroom looks very similar to their.
The lack of flexibility when it comes to personalize our own group presence. It seems we live in a sandbox.
It is good, but I always look for things I want to tweek maybe.
Like possivility to embed code
Airtable is NO-CODE. So they hold the keys of course. It is good, but my Macrrick rebells 🥴
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Great insights! Following up after networking is so important, but it can be tough to make it a habit, especially when life gets busy. I love the idea of doing follow-ups in short bursts right after the event when everything's still fresh. Taking small steps and having a partner to keep you accountable can really make a difference. Do you have any tips or tricks that help you stay on top of your follow-ups?
• Aug '24
My tips are all in this post and comments, Vitalii. Do you have a particular question to any of them? Or something I have not covered or want to be elaborated more?
• Aug '24
And thank you for stopping by and reading this long post and comments, appreciate you taking the time!
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• Aug '24
I don’t have an issue, but I only do so as I’m led to, which may not work for everyone 🤪 thanks for sharing!
• Aug '24
You are welcome - and I thank you for sharing, Sarah. For some, especially those who invest in networking, this is part of a strategy, and when not able to follow up, it causes frustration - which can be avoided.
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Iskra Petrova
Do you follow up after networking within the Skool communities?
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