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Owned by Sarah

Inspire Action

Private • 89 • Free

Feeling stuck and overwhelmed in your entrepreneurship journey? Join us to take action, and finally see your biz succeed continually 🌈🚀

Inspire Growth

Private • 7 • $78/m

💪 You’ve taken action! Now it’s time to GROW your biz, reach, clients, & income without the BS.


3157 contributions to Skool Community
Are you new to Skool or Entrepreneurship?
Or maybe doing community based biz is completely foreign to you based on the past biz experience you have had??? If you aren’t new, drop your number one tip 👇🏻 If you are new, are you wondering what methods you should use to help you get up to speed and running on this new adventure?! Everything comes down to time or money, which is it you want to invest into your future? If you have time but not excess money, that may mean taking time to learn, the classroom here is loaded with skool set up basics, the search function brings up past posts from others with a wealth of knowledge, and so many beautiful humans here in this space are ready to help once you post if you still have questions! If you have money but not much time, then you are looking at hiring peeps to do those things you don’t love doing, or finding a mentor/coach that will help you with accountability and keep you on track. One of the best ways imo is to find a mentor… while it may seem like someone goes from zero to hero overnight, that rarely is the case. Oftentimes, there are years behind that of trial and error, launched and failed businesses, and loads of inner work they went through to be able to hold what you now saw them accomplish. Want to be able to side step more of that sort of ish? Find yourself someone that has been through the wringer and can help you along your own way… not to tell you to do it exactly how they did, but someone that can help you do things along your own path. But I don’t have money for coaching. Then you find some free spaces to get started with (not a ton cause you might end up in a mindfuckery tornado of conflicting opinions and methods) or find someone that’s a few steps ahead of you and has more bandwidth for personal attention, or find a group coaching space that may fall within your budget and get to work!
New comment 2h ago
Are you new to Skool or Entrepreneurship?
1 like • 4h
@Alvis Ciritis
1 like • 2h
@LuisFer M. elite figure out who you resonate with and then work with them!
The riches are in the niches… how’s your offer?
👇🏻 How are you feeling about your offer and do you know your ideal client to a T? One of the key pushbacks I see is that we want to help as many people as possible, right? I wonder if this might help reframe that… For example, you want to help as many people become healthy and fit as possible. Great. However, that’s not going to call out specific people, you will get a wide range of peeps in your space, all with varying wants and desires. Then in attempt to make the most of your time, cause you only have a specific amount each day, you have to water down your message to appeal to a broad audience, which then gives them mediocre results which isn’t what you or they want at all. If you get uber specific on who it is you are going after, and specific on what your offer to them is and the results they get, you will be able to easily write your copy and content around their desire, the pain points they get to do without, which then gets them better results and they tell their friends. Examples of more niches down offers and ideal clients: We help busy moms get a flat tummy without expensive meal plans or going to the gym. Tired of feeling drab and flab? As a busy professional, lose the beer gut in 60 days while you increase your energy to close more sales! Want to feel like your 30 again? Increase your bone mass and muscle strength with easy to implement workouts designed to keep you feeling great even into your 60’s. Goal is to ditch the jargon, you want a 5th grader to be able to read and understand what your offer is and who it’s for, don’t fluff it up with words that aren’t imperative to your offer… peeps can tell when it’s just filler 😉 Make it simple and to the point while adding a bit of your flair, how would you tell someone about it in real life conversation?
New comment 3h ago
The riches are in the niches… how’s your offer?
0 likes • 4h
@Business Bestie yup! Sounds like a good plan!
0 likes • 3h
@Yannik Ata
Community name change?
Has anyone changed the name of their community months into growing it? I’m rebranding a bit and am considering changing my community name. I started it 4 months ago and have almost 450 members. Is changing the name a bad idea? 🤔
New comment 21m ago
1 like • 3h
@Sarah Richardson
❗I'm 6th Place In The Hardest Skool Games ($42,196 MRR)
Help. here's a video of how we're pushing btw. (yes i just revealed my secrets to the competition, I don't care) but send help. please. ok now getting back to selling!! and dwelling in my schizophrenia for not sleeping for 2 days!!!! (ANYTHING FOR SKOOL GAMES!)
New comment 1m ago
❗I'm 6th Place In The Hardest Skool Games ($42,196 MRR)
3 likes • 3h
Fucking amazing job dude! You are amazing!
Kool Skool Level Names
I Am building my Skool community. I've been playing with the level names. It's fun. Here they are: What are your cool level names?
New comment 3h ago
Kool Skool Level Names
2 likes • 12h
Love it! It’s always fun to see what names for levels everyone has, especially if they are themed!
1 like • 4h
@Chanie Twersky
1-10 of 3,157
Sarah Hankins
3,288points to level up
Your playing small does not serve anything beyond keeping you stuck… time to dip your toe into the possibility of what’s to come 🌈

Active 2h ago
Joined Mar 25, 2024
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