Aug 12 (edited) in Brotherhood
The Nice Guy Recovery & Confidence Building Brotherhood
This is a group coaching program led by Confidence Coach Dan Munro, for Nice Guys and people pleasers who want to become more authentic, assertive, and masculine, to achieve better relationships, unbreakable self confidence, and respect from others.
Who is This For?
This program is designed specifically to help recovering Nice Guys. If you identify with most of these issues, then you can rest assured they will be addressed during the program
💥 Fear of conflict and inability to set healthy boundaries that demand respect
💥 Tendency to fix and manage other people’s emotions, always seeking to keep them happy even though it’s exhausting and they don’t appreciate it
💥 Lack of enjoyment and satisfaction in your love life, meaning you have an unsuccessful dating experience or you’re in a relationship that you’re worried about sabotaging with your people pleasing
💥 Fear of rejection and abandonment, leaving you feeling unable to take risks, speak your mind, and go for what you really want
💥 Uncertainty about who you really are due to a lifetime of hiding your true thoughts and suppressing your feelings
**Spaces limited to 50 members at any given time. People will be waitlisted when the group is full.
The Goal
Help you reduce your people pleasing tendencies so that you can become a masculine and integrated man who is confident in himself, able to set and maintain boundaries for respect, knows who he is and what he wants and isn’t afraid to go for it.
✅ Stop caring about what other people think and instead prioritize your own integrity, making you more attractive, integral, and certain of your decisions.
✅ Learn how to build the courage and skills necessary to navigate difficult conversations and conflicts, leading to healthier relationships and strong self-respect.
✅ Replace procrastinating and avoidance with powerful action-taking and risk management to ensure you stop missing opportunities and get over your fear of rejection.
✅ Discover your core values and begin the lifelong journey of revealing your true self and honouring yourself with your actions.
The Method
Through group discussions with other recovering Nice Guys and “hot seat” 1:1 coaching with Nice Guy Recovery Specialist Coach Dan Munro, we will eliminate the beliefs you have that keep you trapped in a self-sacrificing and unconfident mindset, allowing you to quickly build the courage needed.
Dan Munro has been helping Nice Guys build confidence, secure their relationships, and create fulfilling careers since 2013. He’s published 4 books, 8 courses, and literally hundreds of videos and podcasts, helping thousands of men become more masculine and integrated over many years.
You will walk away from each session with a small but significant action you can take every day to build your confidence and assertiveness with minimal discomfort and effort.
You’ll also be invited to a private WhatsApp group to chat with other members and troubleshoot with Dan in-between sessions, giving you lifelong access to a community of men who understand you and are working through the same challenges.
The coaching work will be accompanied by online courses and other materials to add specific practical guidance and insights that boost your progress.
The weekly 60min coaching sessions will take place live on Zoom calls, with the call times varied each week to suit different timezones. When you can’t make it to a call you’ll still get access to the recording and be able to send through questions you want addressed in your absence.
NEXT WEEKLY CALL TIME is in the Calendar tab above.
Along with the coaching and other support, you will also receive these bonuses FREE with the program…
🤯 A private 1:1 coaching call with Dan at the beginning of the program to develop a plan for your recovery (worth $500) 🤯
Full access to all of Dan’s online courses (worth $900):
🎬 Nice Guy Syndrome Recovery & Social Confidence Building (40 lessons; 5hrs)
🎬 Healthy Boundaries in Relationships, Friendships and Work (73 lessons; 7hrs) NEW!
🎬 Powerful Honesty: Develop Superior Communication Skills (25 lessons; 3hrs)
🎬 3X Confidence and Authenticity Masterclass course (36 lessons; 6hrs)
🎬 Building Rapport: Confident Conversations Without Small Talk (43 lessons; 5hrs)
🎬 Shamelessness: Develop Unbreakable Social Confidence Talk (25 lessons; 3hrs)
🎬 Overcome Your Fear of Rejection… Permanently! (19 lessons; 2.5hrs)
🎬 Financial Freedom: Overcome Your Money Fears (50 lessons; 3hrs)
E-copies of all 4 of Dan’s published books (worth $100):
📘 The Legendary Life
📘 Nothing to Lose
📘 The Naked Truth
📘 Nice Guy Syndrome Recovery
The Investment
The program is “evergreen” meaning it keeps running indefinitely, and you can come and go as you see fit (depending on availability).
You’ll pay a monthly subscription of just:
From September it will be $250 - but for August $99 USD per month for a limited time!
You can quit any time (no fees or penalties).
👨‍❤️‍👨 BRING A FRIEND 👨‍❤️‍👨 If you refer someone else to join the program, you both will get a permanent 20% discount!
Zero-Risk Guarantee
It’s important to Dan that you only pay for the program if you genuinely feel that you received more value than it costs. If you do not wish to continue with the program after 30 days, for any reason, you will get a FULL refund immediately – no questions asked, no hoops to jump through.
Daniel Munro
The Nice Guy Recovery & Confidence Building Brotherhood
Brojo: The Integrity Army
The premier self-development community for people focused on integrity, confidence, purpose, and deep connections.
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