Introduce Yourself!
Please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know…
#1 - Who are you, where are you from, what do you do for work?
#2 - What do you want to get out of being in this community? What is your current struggle?
#3 - What is one interesting fact about you?
I'll go first...
#1 - My name is Ryan Carroll, I am from St Petersburg, Florida. I currently live in Santa Teresa Costa Rica. My business is my life's passion. I want to share the power of the breath and the methods I have personally benefitted from massively with the world.
#2 - What I want out of this community is to be of service... I want to connect, build community, learn about you, and help guide you on your path of growth the best I can.
#3 - I love backcountry camping and solitude in nature. One of my favorite offerings I have is leading vision quests.
Ryan Carroll
Introduce Yourself!
Breathx Underground
Take back your mental, physical and spiritual health through structured breath and ancestral practices. Find yourself, come home to your body, & heal.
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