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My passion project growing
Was asked to teach at a new local jiujitsu gym that opened 5 minutes from my house. Soft roll out, 1 student here, 3 there in September. This monday I had 12 students on the mat. So exciting to be part of something new that I am passionate about. It drives me to think of new ways to become my better self.
New comment Nov '24
Plunge immediately upon waking
The area I’m hoping to improve is jumping into the cold plunge right when I wake up. I get up at 6:15 a.m., but realistically, I don’t make it to the plunge until around 7:30 or 7:45 because I tend to procrastinate.
New comment Nov '24
The cure
I was really sick earlier this week, which completely threw me off my routine. My mind was putting up a lot of resistance to getting back into cold plunging. But I did it—I plunged yesterday, and again today. Surprisingly, what I thought were lingering flu symptoms actually disappeared after I plunged. It’s amazing!
New comment Nov '24
Cold Shower
It’s finally cold enough in AZ that I can take cold showers, first one of the season completed ❄️
New comment Nov '24
I’ve got a cool success story to share. My two-year-old son was sick all night, so my wife and I were up with him and running on little to no sleep. Then, first thing this morning, I found myself in a challenging work situation—there was a lot of workplace drama and personal conflict right off the bat. Between the sleep deprivation and the stress from work, I was really in a fight-or-flight mode. Despite how I felt, I made the decision to think and act better than my emotions. Around 1 o’clock, I took a cold plunge anyway. I submerged myself twice for a total of about 90 seconds, then followed up with 10 minutes of exercise. It made a huge difference—I feel so much better, and I’m really proud of proving to myself that I’m stronger than how I feel. I can face my challenges head-on with grace. Thanks, Miles, for your tips. I applied several of them today, and they helped a lot!
New comment Nov '24
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