💸 Re-billing Launch & Overview 🤖
I tried to hit on things I thought would be important - if you have more questions, concerns, feedback or wants drop them below in the comments :) I've added a lot of data collect and around to make sure rollout goes smoothly
## How it works:
The billing structure sits exactly like ours:
  • Chat + Access | Subscription | Set messages & assistant limits
  • Voice minutes | Transactional | Set voice minutes
## Features:
  • You can use either / both / none based on your deployment
  • Show / hide products and turn re-billing off or on
  • See transaction history and associated accounts
  • Managed through Stripe marketplace - voice is drop serviced with cost (so you dont have to buy in bulk, you get the difference) and subscriptions are all yours
  • These are managed inside the GHL custom menu link iframe for full white label
  • Set trial days
  • Client portal management | Admin portal management
## Things to come:
  • Webhooks for payments (for follow up, record keeping or whatever you would like)
  • Auto-billing for usage
  • Turn off for specific subaccounts | opt specific subaccounts out
  • Onboarding flow
  • This infrastructure for resellers (external deployments)
  • and more...
Jorden Williams
💸 Re-billing Launch & Overview 🤖
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