Can LC Phone Numbers be connected with Assistable AI assistants?
Hi Everyone, Sorry, if its a rookie question.
Can the GHL LC Phone numbers be assigned to work with AI assistants to make voice calls & respond to messages.
Is it that we can only use phone numbers from within the Assistable?
  • Since GHL LC phone numbers are better priced than twillio - I was planning to use them to send marketing & sales messages. Also to make phone calls in the US.
  • When I purchase these numbers, apart from manually calls & messages sent to contacts through workflows & automations - I wanted to know if Assistable can connect with these numbers - so that if someone calls / messages these numbers - AI can kick in and take over.
I hope its understandable. Any thoughts are much appreciated here. Please feel free to ask me any questions. Thank you.
Deepak Yisrael
Can LC Phone Numbers be connected with Assistable AI assistants?
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